Page 38 of Last Chance Plans

“Madison, we need to talk.” He seemed thoroughly annoyed.

“About what?”

He exhaled. “Can I come over to see you?”

“Now? It’s already nine.”

“So? Your plane doesn’t leave until six p.m. My kids are asleep, and Mom is in her room. I need to share a drink with you.”

She arched her eyebrows. Something was drastically wrong in the Lambert household. “All right, come on over.”

When he’d called, she’d just stepped out of the shower after spending an hour at the gym. She slipped on her brown sweatpants and printed top, then quickly dried her hair.

Her friend needed a drink to restore his good mood. She took out two glasses and set the bottle of amaretto on the kitchen isle.

Reception called, announcing her guest. She unlocked the front door and left it ajar. A few minutes later, he knocked, stepped inside, kicked the door shut, and tugged her close. Her heart lurched, and she gladly snuggled into the circle of his arms.

Like a starved man, he crushed her mouth, his kisses edgy, intense. A sharp passion clutched her, and she responded eagerly. When she couldn’t breathe, he released her mouth andtrailed kisses all over her face and neck.

“Why are you ignoring us? Why are you hiding from me?”

“What?” She shook her head. “What’s going on at home?”

“Don’t ask.” His voice broke. “Not now, babe. Later.” He cleared his throat, his eyes scrutinizing her. Slowly, his hand moved under her top to skim her breast, gently kneading it. “Ah, Madison, I’ve missed you like crazy.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Rick. I—”

He pulled her top up and over her head, and she arched her back when he lowered his mouth to her breasts.

“I need you, babe.”

“My room ... This way.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him along the hallway to her room, falling backward on the bed, pulling him down on top of her.

“Wait ... Not like that.” He ripped his clothes off.

She lowered her pants and opened her arms. “I miss you so much.”

He stretched on the bed and gathered her against his warm pulsing body, angling his head for a deep kiss. His breathing heavy, he explored the lines of her back, her waist, her hips, her thighs … His fingers stroking her sensitive flesh sent jolts of pleasure to every cell of her body. Their stormy orgasm left them panting in each other’s arms.

A moment later, he scrambled out of bed and slipped on his pants. “I’ll pour us a drink.”

Wrapped in her bathrobe, she followed him to the kitchen and sat on a stool in front of the isle counter, admiring his sculptured muscles.

He clinked his glass against hers. “To you, babe.”

She sipped silently and observed him above the rim of the glass.

He set down his glass on the granite, inhaled, and then exhaled. “I thought things would be different, easier, especiallyafter our smooth flight to Miami.” A tormented look spread across his face. “Now, I wonder if I haven’t made a mistake taking the children away from their comfortable, familiar environment.”

“Why? What happened? Your mother said—”

“My mother sighs and glares at me. The children ignore her. They don’t spend time sitting and chatting with her.”

“Seriously, Rick?” Madison snorted. “Since when do eight and ten-year-old boys sit and chat with their grandmother?”

“Go tell her that. She doesn’t look happy and blames me.”

Madison patted his hand. “It’ll take time, but the boys will get used to their grandma. At least, the boys are pleased with their new school.”