Page 37 of Last Chance Plans

“We’ll be perfect passengers,” Michael said with a grin that must have won Madison’s heart.

“Are there other children?” Rick wanted to know if she would be overly busy today.

“Yes, we have a couple with two daughters, twelve and fourteen. They shouldn’t be difficult, and a mother traveling with a nine-month-old baby, but my co-worker is in charge of them. I’ll be around often,” she added.

After takeoff, she served them dinner, then made their beds and brought two glasses of milk for the boys. They slept like babies for the whole trans-Atlantic crossing.

“You have such beautiful boys. I think we’ll be good friends,” she confided to Rick, as she prepared his bed.

“Trust me, they’ve already adopted you as their adult best friend.”

When they landed in Miami and disembarked, the boys insisted on waiting for Ms. Madison at the gate and taking a picture with her. She kindly complied, and Rick followed his boys’ example and snapped a selfie of all four of them. But Madison declined his offer to ride with them to Fort Lauderdale, claiming she’d already agreed to share a limousine with other flight attendants.

With Madison taking care of his children, the boys’ first flight to Miami had been better than he’d anticipated. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be at their sides—or his—in the days to come.

Chapter Ten

Convinced that the boys needed to bond with their grandmother, Madison stayed away from the Lamberts for the next few days and relied on Rick and his mother for news.

Rick sent several texts the next day.

The boys love the house and the pool.

They particularly love their room with their own furniture from Dubai.

Getting along well with Mom. They love their costumes.

Arlene called two days after Halloween. “Thanks for your idea of surprising the boys with Halloween costumes. Mark chose the Zorro outfit and Michael dressed as Spiderman.”

“Did they have fun?”

“I think so. Rick walked with them to trick or treat and introduced them to neighbors around the same age. They came back with two baskets full of candy.”

“I’m glad things are going well. They’re very nice boys, so polite.”

“Huh ... Yes.”

“Is anything wrong?”

“They’re very polite as you say, always saying,Hi, GrandmaorByeGrandma,but they’re not babbling as they did after Halloween.”

“Don’t they like their school?”

“They haven’t said anything. After school, they go straight to their rooms or ask to go to McDonald’s. I don’t think they like my food.”

Madison tried to cheer the sweet woman. “You know how it is. All children love McDonald’s. I’m sure they’ll get used to your cooking. It’s delicious.”

Rick called two nights later. “Why don’t you come for dinneranymore? Haven’t you recovered from your trip to Paris? It’s been four days now.” He didn’t sound in the mood for niceties.

“Of course, I’m all rested.” She chuckled. “I’m flying out tomorrow.”

“Again? Where to?” he snapped, impatience oozing from his voice.

“Paris. I told you it was a routine route for me,” she gently reminded him.

“We haven’t seen you at all. Damn it, are you avoiding us?”

“Don’t be silly. I stayed away to allow your mother to bond with her grandchildren.”