Page 36 of Last Chance Plans

“You should thank Ms. Madison,” the captain said as he closed the door.

“Thank you, Ms. Madison. That was fabulous.” Mark’s eyes shone with gratitude.

His brother repeated his thanks.

Relaxed, Rick smiled. Madison was simply amazing. He could trust her to win over his sons.

She returned them to their seats and watched them buckle their seat belts. “Is this your first trip to Miami?”

“Our first trip to America. We don’t want to go.” Mark’s lips twitched in disgust, and he lowered his voice. “Daddy’s forcing us.” He threw a resentful glance sideways.

“I’m scared,” Michael added, his mouth drooping.

Madison bent toward his kids. “Why scared? Fort Lauderdale is a fun city, and you’ll live in a beautiful house.”

Mark frowned. “How would you know?”

“I met your grandmother and your father on their trip from Dubai to Miami. Funny, your grandmother said almost the same thing. Being from Kentucky, she was anxious about living in Fort Lauderdale. I took her around to visit the city, and she invited me over to your house. I love your grandma, she’s such a nice lady and can cook the best food on earth.”

“Really?” Michael sighed with relief. “But I’m afraid of going to a new school and meeting the kids. We had great friends in Dubai.”

“I’m sure you’ll make new friends. And if you don’t like the school, no big deal, you can always change schools.”

Rick harrumphed, not sure he approved of Madison’s easy-going take on schools.

“Would Daddy say okay?” Michael bit his lip.

Mark pulled her sleeve. “Ms. Madison, can we count on you to talk to Dad if we need help?”

Blocking him from the boys’ view, she spun her head toward him.

He winked. Having Madison in the boys’ camp would help immensely.

“Of course. Here’s my card.” She dug her hand into her pocket and gave each boy a business card. “You can call me anytime you need me. I became your grandmother’s friend after she flew with me. You can relax. I’ll be your friend, too.”

“Thank you, Ms. Madison. You’re great,” Michael said with conviction.

“Now, since this is your first flight to America, I have a gift for you.”

“What?” They both lifted eager eyes to her.

She pulled two miniature planes from her pocket. “Here are two models of this aircraft to keep as souvenirs.”

“Wow! Ms. Madison, you’re the best.”

“Now, I count on you to be perfect passengers during the flight. Promise?”

“Promise,” they answered.

Rick sighed in relief, too. “Thank you, Ms. Madison. As Mark said, you’re the best.”

She chuckled. “You’re welcome, Mr. Lambert. We’re expecting good weather and a smooth flight. I hope you can relax.”

“With you in charge, I’m sure I will.” He hoped he’d reassured her he wouldn’t interfere with her bonding strategy.

She brought cookies and orange juice for the children and gave him a scotch on the rocks.

“The passengers are now boarding. I expect you to stay in place.”