Page 32 of Last Chance Plans

Chapter Nine

The next three days whizzed by at warp speed for Madison. Following her well-established routine, she went shopping for groceries and then cooked and froze various meals. Returning home, exhausted after a sleepless shift, only to find nothing to eat could be quite demoralizing. So she always made sure she had a generous stock of healthy foods waiting for her. Laundry and housecleaning were next at the top of herbefore-a long-flightlist.

Rick was just as busy, texting that he had to stay at work until late.

Arlene called several times, inviting her for dinner, or lunch, or even only coffee, but Madison declined, claiming busyness, yet she chatted on the phone at length with her older friend, doing her best to reassure her about the children’s pending arrival.

“They’ve never met me, never even talked to me. How will they accept this ghost-grandmother? How will they obey me? This is crazy, Madison.”

“Don’t make yourself sick. Rick knows how to control his boys. Besides, their nanny will arrive soon and will help.”

“As if a nanny’s presence will reassure me.”

The same type of conversation was repeated at noon and in the evening. Madison suggested Arlene should prepare Halloween costumes for the boys.

On Wednesday evening, she texted Rick.

Going to bed early before tomorrow’s flight.

His response came right away.

Sweet dreams.

On Thursday morning, she lingered in the building’s exercise room, spent an hour in the pool, and accepted Arlene’sinvitation for lunch.

As soon as she arrived at the Lambert’s house, Arlene led her upstairs to a guestroom.

“What do you think of these costumes?” she pointed at the array of Halloween costumes spread out on the bed. Which are better? Zorro, Superman, Spiderman, a pilot, or maybe a monster?”

Madison laughed. “Keep them all for now and ask them to choose. I’m sure they’ll be very excited. You can return the others later.”

Her peace of mind finally restored, Arlene stopped fretting and served the salad. “It’s just a mix of arugula, beets, and feta cheese with olive oil and lemon.”

“It’s delicious.”

“At what time does your plane leave?

“Six twenty. I need to be at the Miami airport by three.” She checked her watch. “So I’d better leave now. Relax and go to the beach. I’ll see you in a few days.”

Arlene hugged her. “Take care of yourself, dear.”

At home, she slipped on her uniform and got ready for her flight.

Just as she strapped her large handbag to her shoulder, a text blipped on her phone.

Pls open the door.

What! She opened the door to find Rick grinning. “Ready, babe?”

“You? Here? Now?”

“Yes. Yes, and yes.” He stepped into the foyer, kicked the door closed behind him, and pulled her into his arms. “Man, have I missed you.” He kissed her like a starving man, crushing her mouth, covering her face and neck with blazing kisses.

She wished he’d arrived earlier, but … “I’ve missed you, too. But, as much as I wish it were different, I can’t afford to be late.”

He straightened and inhaled. “I promise you won’t be. You’ll relax while I’m driving you to the airport.”

“Rick, I’ll need my car after the flight. You’ll have the children with you.”