Page 23 of Last Chance Plans

A knock on the door announced that their order had arrived.

“Room service.”

Rick opened the door.

The server entered, set the tray on the desk, accepted his tip, and left with an “Enjoy your drinks.”

“All that?” Madison stared at the two giant ceramic mugs, miniature replicas of the famousObeliscoadorning the center of town.

“Here, they say that Buenos Aires is the city that never sleeps. The Buenos Aires Zombie is the perfect drink for a night meant to go on until dawn.”

“Until dawn?” she repeated, her eyes wide like amber stones dusted with green specks.

He removed the obelisks’ covers and handed her a mug, raising his in a toast.

“To our first night in Argentina.”

And to their first night together.

The kiss they’d shared at the tango restaurant had left him wanting more. Much more.

Chapter Seven

Madison clinked her mug against his and swallowed her first sip. She could taste lemon or orange. “What’s in it?”

“White and golden rum mixed with a heady local aperitif and blended with lemon, orange, passion fruit, and pineapple.”

Two sips later, she chuckled. “Not sure if it’s that strong. It’s delicious.”

He laughed. “Trust me, it’s very strong. Go easy on it.”

He clicked on the website link—most likely to prevent her from drinking too fast and losing control. The tango music filled the air. “May I have this dance?” Rick held out his hand to her and pulled her against him. “Let’s see if we remember the steps.”

They followed the music’s tempo, and the dance steps easily came back to them.

“You’re so good, Rick. You’d make a great tango dancer.” She laughed, feeling giddy. His face as sober as the native dancer’s, he guided her steps, and she followed his lead. She wouldn’t mind spending hours dancing with him, happy to be in his arms.

The music grew louder, and the sensuality of his movements escalated, each new step accompanied by a kiss on her neck or cheek, and a caress on her shoulder or leg. His hand glided low on her waist, and he bent her back, leaning over her, crushing her mouth, his tongue invading it with bold caresses.

Hardly able to breathe, she wound her arms around him, hanging onto his neck to avoid falling, inhaling his addictive scent. Slowly, his knee rubbed against her thigh and crawled farther up to her sensitive area. Her knees buckled, and she remembered the lustful move.

His lips moved to the side of her mouth. “If you want me to stop, I can end the dance and—”

“Don’t. It’s a beautiful dance. We’re good at it.”

“Madison, I want you so much.” He covered her face with burning kisses.

Trying to think through her sensual haze, she whispered. “Just don’t let me fall in love with you.”

“Ah, babe.” His knee jerked against her, massaged, and stroked.

She was on fire, wanting him, too.

He straightened, ending the maddening caress, and pulled her up with him. Reclaiming her mouth, his fingers swiped over her back, tracing weird patterns. Her skin tingled down the length of her spine where he touched her. Releasing her mouth, he eased her away.

Something fluttered down to her feet. She lowered her gaze and saw her black silk dress heaped on her shoes, a black lace bikini her only piece of clothing now. She hadn’t even noticed he’d unzipped her dress.

The music had stopped.