Page 12 of Last Chance Plans

Madison’s head was spinning. His kids had practically been raised by foreigners from Dubai.

“Have they ever been to the States?”

“Never.” His voice trailed off, and his frown deepened. “But it’s time they discover their own country, living here full-time with their dad and grandmother, and learning to becomeAmerican. I count on my mother to teach them Christian values. She hasn’t met them yet.”

Madison’s eyes rounded. Did Arlene know what her son expected of her? Living in the sumptuous mansion came with a price, or rather a job.

Why had he kept his children away from their grandmother? Why hadhestayed away, bouncing them from boarding schools to foreign camps or Arabian palaces?

Gritting her teeth, she abstained from asking questions. His kids, his choice. He didn’t have to tell her anything and had volunteered whatever he wanted her to know. Why had he bothered to reveal anything to her when he’d met her only two days ago? Without the fateful locket, he would have never seen her again. She had no business interfering in his affairs.

“I wish you the best with the children—”

“I’ll need your help.”

The hint of grief in his eyes ripped at her heart, yet there was nothing she could do.

“I know nothing about boys’ schools or camps around here,” she protested.

“Not that. You said American Airlines has a procedure in place for flying kids alone. You’re a person I can trust to pick up Mark and Michael from their boarding school and fly them here in a month’s time. I’ll pay whatever you ask.”

Panicking at the idea of dealing with spoiled brats raised like semi-princes, she shook her head vehemently. “You must be kidding me.”

“Kidding about my precious children? Never. Do you think I would ask such a favor if I didn’t trust you completely?” His voice had softened like a caress. His hand glided from the back of the swing and wrapped around her nape, warm, gentle, beguiling.

“Please…” She raised a hand to protest. His eyes capturedhers, burning her with a fire she’d never met before.

“Madison, you’re the most generous soul I’ve met in ages, helping your passengers, going the extra mile for my mother. I know you’re one of a kind.” The pressure on her neck subtly increased bringing their faces closer, their lips an inch away.

His breath fanned her mouth. Strange, tingly warmth spread down her spine.

“Mr. Lambert, I—”

“We’re passed that stage. It’s Rick now, not Mr. Lambert.”

So they’d passed the respectable professional distance. She swallowed. “All right, Rick, but we shouldn’t—”

“Why not? Am I repulsive?”

“No, no.” Far from that. What did he want from her?

“You’re not only generous and efficient, you’re also beautiful.” His lips swept over her cheek. “And sweet.” They glided to the corner of her mouth. “Attractive.” His mouth hovered against hers. “And I’m attracted to you. Say yes, sweet Madison.” His words brushed her parted lips.

“Yes,” she whispered, melting against his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck.

His mouth covered hers and his tongue invaded her mouth, mingling with hers in a hot, erotic dance that left her panting, hoping for more caresses in his arms. He angled his head and deepened the kiss.

Soon, he lifted his head and eased her away. “I should take you home.”

“Yes,” she murmured, moving backward to put space between them. Confused, she blinked and drew in mouthfuls of air.

Darn, she’d totally lost her bearings the moment he’d touched her nape, his fingers creating magic along her skin. Yes, she should go home before he tried another bold move, and she gave in without a hint of resistance.

Why should she resist? She wasn’t a college student looking for her prince charming, although Rick certainly qualified and more.

He stood and held out a hand to help her up, his expression blank, devoid of emotion. “When are you flying again?”

She took several deep breaths, struggling for control. “In three days, after a two-day rest. I’ll take your mother around tomorrow.”