“I-I love you.”



Iloveyou.Ilove you. I love you.

I bite down, throwing the axe through another log so it splits perfectly in half. The sun is starting to peek through the gray clouds. The chill of the fresh morning air still lingering as sweat begins forming along my brow.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

I smash another log, quickly setting the next one up.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

My head is spinning, the streaming blood racing around my body not helping. I couldn’t sleep after hearing those words. The way Hannah’s eyes flashed up at me, her long lashes blinking as the air lodged in my throat, making me unable to respond.

I blitz the next log, the image of Hannah sleeping so soundly under my arm invading my mind.

I don’t get it.

She said she was leaving… and now she’s declaring her love for me.

The pile of split logs continues to grow. The ache in my shoulder burns hot, but I don’t stop swinging the axe. I don’t even need any more wood chopped, the shed is brimming with the last load I split in my wild rage of fury.

It’s a distraction. A disturbance to the torture occupying my mind.

I’ve looked over the vehicle, using a flashlight to see if I can try and repair the damages I’ve caused. There’s no recovering a cut fuel line, though – not up here in the mountains. Now she’s said those precious words, those words that mean more than anything in the world.. Now that I have her love, I’ve gone and done something to ruin it all.

When she finds out… when she discovers what I’ve done… will she still feel that way about me?

I’m so fucked.

My big, swollen hand scrunches my face. My palm is red raw, hours and hours of chopping wood in the dark taking their toll on my skin. I growl into the wind, finally giving in to the pain pulsing in my shoulder. I lift the axe and wedge it against the chopping block with a frustrated whack that’s so fucking hard, I’m not sure I’ll be able to pull it out later.

I take a walk around the garden, scowling at the dewy moisture on the lush, deep green leaves of kale. I draw back long breaths, squeezing my eyes shut in the hope I stem the flow of emotion threatening to take over.

My eyes catch at the patch of grass I’ve set aside for more garden beds. It’s a project I’ve been putting off for years, just like the rest of the crumbling cabin. For so long, I’ve been unable to find the motivation or drive to bother. What’s the point? It’s only me.

A single tear rolls down my cheek. I stand on the spot, staring at the empty pasture. My throat aches from holding it all in.

Then I see something I’ve never seen before.

Small children are running around, laughing and screaming together on the gentle slope of the green grass. They have big, beautiful smiles on their faces as they race around playing. I take a step forward, my eyes creasing as I admire the deep green in their eyes. Their grins are wide, an infectious joy and happiness instantly lifting my spirits as I watch them chase each other down, the older of the two boys tackling the smaller child to the ground.

They roll in the grass, laughter echoing inside my head. An overwhelming feeling of love makes my chest burst, but a clunking by the back door of the cabin breaks the noise.

My gaze snaps to see Hannah cupping her mouth through a yawn. She stretches in the morning sun, looking more like an angel appearing from nowhere than someone who’s just woken up. My heart stills in my chest. She’s damn near perfect, all curving hips and pert tits.

“You’re up early,” Hannah calls out, stepping across the deck.

I nod, looking back to the pasture.

It’s empty.

No laughing. No playing. No happy children.

I scratch the back of my neck, wishing they would come back. I could sure use some of their enthusiasm and joy of life right now.