Page 73 of Evan

“Kayla,” Evan said. He stood from the stool he was on and wrapped his arms around her. “I would never do anything like that to you. Ever. And the contract is good for the restaurant. I don’t want to take it from you, couldn’t do it.”

“I know,” she mumbled into his shirt. “I read that contract word for word and hired a lawyer to do the same.”

“As you should have.”

“I’m sorry I freaked out. I’m even more sorry that I accused you of being something that I know you’re not.” She sniffed, crying again. It was a wonder she had any tears left after all the crying she’d done this week.

“I’ll give you the restaurant, free and clear. I told you before that I would.”

Kayla pulled away so she could look up at him. “I don’t want you to. I don’t want you out of it. I just needed to remember who we were. I’m so sorry I crawled into my past and I couldn’t find a way back out. I kept coming up with these scenarios and I freaked.”

“Don’t apologize for working through your own things. Just talk to me, please?”

She nodded. “I’ve missed you so much.” Kayla grabbed a napkin off the bar and wiped at her face, cleaning up the tears as best as she could.

“What now?” Evan asked.

She tilted her head and pretended to ponder his question. Then she pressed her lips to his. Evan groaned and wrapped his arms around her again before pulling away.

“I missed you, too.”



Last night, Kayla had made a decision. Evan was it for her. She wanted him and she was going to make it work with him. She still had some mess to work through in her brain, but she believed him

After she’d gone home, she’d realized it wasn’t her gut that she’d been trusting—it was her fear. It had led her to do dumb things when it came to Evan, and she needed to stop.

He had forgiven her last night for acting a fool. They’d ended up getting a booth at the bar last night and had stayed for a while and eaten greasy food and talked. Then, hours later, they’d each gone home, alone. Well, almost; he’d dropped her off at home since she had taken a cab there, but nonetheless she went in alone.

Evan had texted her first thing this morning though. She had laid in bed and goofy smiled at it before she replied. One other realization she’d had last night was that she loved him. It had hit her in the face just before she’d bared all to him.

Now up and showered, she was a woman on a mission. She had on her sexiest lingerie, one of his button down shirts that he had left at her house, a pair of heels, and nothing else, save for a long coat she had on over it all. She was on her way to his house to surprise him.

Her nerves grew as she pulled up to his building. Butterflies danced around in her stomach as she parked, but her resolve held strong as she got out of the car. This was Evan, and he wanted her as much as she wanted him, that she knew.

She stood in front of his door, knocking twice, and waiting. When he didn’t come down, she sighed and pulled out her phone to call him.

“Hey,” he answered.

“Hey yourself. What are you doing?” she asked.

“Thinking about you.”

“What a coincidence,” she teased.

“What—are you thinking about me?” he asked.

“I’m thinking about showing up at your house in heels and sexy lingerie and one of your shirts,” she said huskily.

“You should definitely put that plan into motion, Kayla,” he said. “Or stay there, I can come to your place.”

“Evan,” she interrupted him moving around. “Come open the door for me, I’m not wearing much.”

The phone fell. She heard the thunk of it connecting with something before he picked it back up. “I’m coming.”

“I plan for you, too,” she teased.