Page 63 of Evan

“Any chance you’ve heard from your guy?” Kayla asked.

“He’s back in town, so I hope to have an update soon. I’m sorry it’s taking so long.”

“Can’t complain about someone doing us a favor.” It wasn’t like she knew anyone else to ask anyway.

“Any word from your blackmailer since last night?”

“Nothing yet. I’m really worried. I know we don’t think they have information, but what if they do?” Kayla stirred the pasta as she thought about it.

“It won’t come to that,” Catherine assured her.

“Everyone keeps saying that, but I can’t help but feel like something’s wrong.” It was there, nagging at her, that this wasn’t over.

“It’s just the stress of the situation. And if something happens, we already have a PR plan to attack it,” Catherine reminded her.

“Yeah, but it will break the trust that Blind Date has with the clients. I don’t know that it could recover from that.”

“It will. If it happens, it will. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t stress it. That part is my job, and I’m damn good at it.”

“No, please, don’t be humble,” Kayla teased her friend. “Hang on a second, I need to strain the pasta.”

She set the phone down on the counter and picked up the pot, pouring it into the colander in the sink. Returning the pasta to the pot, she took it back to the stove and poured the sauce she made onto it.

Grabbing her phone, she noticed several alerts had shown up while she was talking. Emails, tons of them.

“Catherine?” She put the phone back to her ear.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Catherine rushed out.

“I have a million emails. I’m going to get my laptop now.”

“Shit. I’m getting dressed. Do you have wine? Or something stronger?”

“I don’t know if it’s bad yet,” Kayla tried to convince herself.

“Now you want to be positive?” Catherine asked.

“Shut up.” She put the phone on speaker and logged into her computer. Scrolling she saw clients names that she recognized and none of them were good subject lines. “It’s not good.”

“I see. It doesn’t look like anything’s been released from my quick search. Just a claim that they could. Anything from your blackmailer?”

“Not that I can see yet. There are so many emails, Catherine.” She hated the quiver that had slipped into her voice. Tears were threatening.

“Call Evan. I’m on my way.” Catherine ended the call.

Kayla gave herself a minute to pout before she did. She didn’t want to call him, or anyone for that matter. It wasn’t personal, she was just exhausted from being the one in trouble and calling everyone.

Friends were great, but they could only stand so much of her shit. Hell, she was getting tired of it. She debated texting him, but she wasn’t that much of a coward. Opening his contact, she clicked call.

“What’s wrong?” Evan answered.

She laughed, he wasn’t wrong but it just showed how bad everything had gotten for him to answer like that. “I was right.”

“Right about what?” Evan asked.

“It’s public. Well, the threat is public. I have so many emails that I’m scared to even open one. They just keep coming.”

“What the fuck?” Evan yelled on the other end of the phone.