Kayla walked to the open office door and knocked on the doorframe quietly to get his attention. He smiled and waved her in.
“Hey, she’s awake, let me call you back after I talk to her,” Evan said. He ended the call and sat the phone down on his desk. “Good morning.”
“Thanks for putting me in a bed last night,” she told him.
“Your neck was going to hurt if I didn’t. It was at the worst angle.”
“I was wondering why you moved me. Thank you again. Sorry I fell asleep on everyone.”
“You were exhausted. I hope you slept okay?”
“Well enough.” She had slept hard and it was overdue. She needed it.
“I’m glad to hear it.” He stood and picked up his phone, walking over to her. “Jake thinks he might have a lead on where she’s staying.”
Kayla smiled. “I hope so. It would be so nice to wrap all of this up and move on.”
“I think I want to go through the footage again today and see if anything feels off. I know Ryker did yesterday, but I know the restaurant better than anyone, and I just feel like I need to find something.”
Evan nodded. “Hook it up in the media room and watch it on the big screen. We’ve all watched it more than once on computer screens, so it might help to change the perspective.”
She nodded. Her intention wasn’t to stay here and do it but he had a point. “I’ll get out of your way and do that, then.”
“Kayla, what’s happened?” he asked.
She sighed. “Not now, Evan.” He’d find out on Friday when his date was her.
“Fine. Let’s go,” he said.
“You go back to work. I can look at it alone.”
“This is all I have worked on this morning. Come on, we can eat something and then both take a look.”
She trudged along after him. He’d taken her reasons to leave and boxed them up with solutions, and she wanted to scream. She’d eat and then do one run through of the footage and then she’d leave.
Evan got to work in the kitchen, apparently preparing to make a full breakfast. He got out eggs and pans, and she looked anywhere but at him.
“I was thinking we could also review access to the server. I know we kind of did last night, but what if they got your login info somehow? We should check where the different logins were from,” Evan told her as he cooked.
She thought it over and agreed. “Probably a good idea. We were looking for anyone else to access it last night.”
He nodded his acknowledgment and kept cooking. A few minutes later, two pieces of toast, eggs, and bacon were placed in front of her, along with a cup of coffee. She thanked him and ate quickly.
She felt surprisingly better after that. Now she just needed a shower and she’d probably even feel more awake. That would have to wait till she got home though.
“Which one do you want to start with?” he asked.
“The cameras, please. Do it all four at once, please? Since we have it on the big screen, I’d like to watch them all at the same time.”
She settled into a chair and pulled her feet up next to her as Evan put it up on the screen. He took another seat and watched with her.
It was hard to see the split version on her computer monitor. From here, they could clearly see what everyone was doing.
“Pause it!” she shouted, sitting up.
“Okay.” Evan jumped up and went back to the computer they were casting the images from.