Page 38 of Evan

“Yeah. We don’t need everyone in here like this.” He turned to his friends. “Upstairs.”

One by one, they turned and headed for the side door that led to the stairwell. She and Evan brought up the rear.

“How did they all get here so fast?” she asked.

Evan shrugged. “I don’t underestimate any of us when one is in trouble.”

When they reached the top of the stairs, Lauren pulled her away from Evan. “What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” Her questions came rapid fire.

“Can you just turn my monitor around, Evan? So everyone can see?” Kayla asked.

She stood, holding her friend as Evan just hit play. Everyone focused on the two men on the screen, and she knew the moment that Lauren recognized her mother on the screen.

Her whole body stiffened with her sharp intake of breath. “Why?” she whispered.

Jake came over and Lauren sank into his arms. “It’s not your fault.”

“It isn’t,” Kayla agreed.

“But it’s my mother. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what she wants.”

“Probably more money.” Jake’s voice was harder than she’d ever heard it.

Evan made his way around his friends and was one again touching her. Kayla tried to step away since all his friends were watching, but he wasn’t having it.

She sighed; it wasn’t worth an argument in front of everyone. She’d talk to him later about it.

Cade was the first one to spring into action. “I’m calling Catherine.”

Ryker was next. “Call your insurance now so we can start cleaning up. We need to take pictures.”

“I’ve got my camera in the car.” Luke jumped up and headed out.

“I have some calls to make, too,” Jake said.

“We need to help.” Lauren stood and looked at Kayla. “I’m so sorry.”

Kayla went to her friend and squeezed her hand. “It’s not your fault.”

“Can’t help it,” she shrugged. “What can I do?”

“I—” she looked at Evan. She genuinely didn’t know what to do.

“Can you keep Kayla company while she calls the insurance and wait for Catherine? I don’t want anyone alone until we know what’s going on.”

“Yep!” Lauren held up their linked hands.

“Lock this.” Jake kissed Lauren before he walked out the office door.

Evan was on his heels and then she heard him. “Fuck it.” He turned around and pulled Kayla in for a quick kiss before leaving and closing the door.

Lauren went over and locked it before throwing a questioning glance back at Kayla. “That needs an explanation. Maybe not right now, but I need details.”

Still shocked, she stared at the door. “As soon as I know what they are, I’ll let you know.”

“Fair.” Lauren fixed her computer to face the right direction. “Who do we need to call?”

The call to the insurance company was short. Most of the details were in the videos that she was able to supply them, and somewhere downstairs pictures were being taken. Catherine came in, shocked, just as she was wrapping up the call.