Page 35 of Evan

“No. I think I know this person in real life, but I don’t know who it is.”

Jake laughed. “Okay and?”

“Then I went upstairs to talk to Kayla because she texted me and asked if I had almost kissed her when they were all hanging out. She’d been avoiding me and my calls since that text. I’m pretty sure she turned her phone off right after sending it.”

“She did,” Jake confirmed.

“How do you—Lauren. Never mind that. I went to her office after my date, and she was there so I confronted her.”

“How’d that go?”

“She panicked and started packing everything on her desk, refusing to look at me. Then I held the door closed and kissed her.”

“Woah. What did she say?”

“Not a damn thing. I was kind of pissed off still, so I left and told her I hoped that it answered her question and I wasn’t going to chase her. She’d have to call me.”

Jake blew out a breath. “Damn.”

“I haven’t heard from her. What if I fucked it all up?”

“Give her time. I’m sure you’ll hear from her soon.”

“I’m not sure.”

“Look, she’ll take a bit to process and then reach out to you. I promise if I hear anything from Lauren, I will let you know which way things are leaning. She wanted to kiss you, that I do know.”


“It was just last night. Give it time. Maybe she’s working.”

“The restaurant is closed on Mondays.”

“Still, she works as much as you.”

It was true. She was probably working on something. He should do the same and take his mind off her for a bit.

“How’d the date go?” Jake asked.

“It was okay. Nothing to write home about, but I plan to see her again, unless Kayla wants to, I don’t know.” His phone beeped, another call coming in. “She’s calling me.” Evan stared at it in shock.

“Answer it!” Jake’s laughter was cut off by the call ending.

He cleared his throat before answering. “Hi.”

“Evan—” Her voice was shaky.

His muscles tensed immediately, something was wrong. “What’s going on?”

“The restaurant. I was upstairs, and I heard glass and it’s a mess, and I don’t know…”

“Kayla, did you call the police?” Evan asked, already slipping his shoes on. “I’m on my way there.”

“I called them. They told me to lock myself in my office while I waited for them. I did that.”

“Just hang tight. I’ll be there shortly.”

Silence met him.