Page 30 of Evan

Grabbing her phone, she pulled the message up again.

Kayla:Were you going to kiss me the other night?

Immediately the message showed as read, and she tossed it at Lauren. “He read it!” Kayla squealed. “I can’t look.”

“This is great! Can I look?” Lauren asked, so excited she was bouncing again.

“Go for it.” Kayla covered her face as she waited.

“He’s typing!” She stood up and faced the sofa. “He keeps stopping and starting again. You know this means the answer is yes.”

Catherine and Jenna agreed and jumped up to go look at the phone with Lauren.

“He’s calling you!” Lauren handed her the phone.

“What do I do?” Kayla panicked and dropped the phone like it was on fire.

“Answer it!” Catherine encouraged.

“No! This is so embarrassing. I can’t talk to him now.” Kayla looked at her phone, which had stopped ringing.

“Did he leave a message?” Lauren asked.

Kayla checked but didn’t see one. She powered her phone off and shoved it between the cushions of the sofa. “I’m never listening to you guys again,” she pouted. “You’re bad influences.”

“He could have been calling to say yes.” Lauren slid next to her and gave her a hug.

“You’re such an optimist,” Kayla grumbled but couldn’t hide her smile.



Kayla sat in her office, nursing her hangover and ignoring Evan’s calls. She had to get out of her office soon before he showed up for the date she had made yesterday. He had accepted it before she texted him.

Since then, he’d called her a million times. Not one text, only calls. She’d even gotten desperate earlier and texted him and asked what he wanted. He replied with a phone call.

He hadn’t really called that much. She shook her head at herself. It was 6 calls throughout the day, which frankly was more patient than she’d be if he had texted her about a kiss. The problem was she didn’t know what to say.

She wasn’t one to normally get brave when drinking, but she was blaming the fleeting liquid courage on that message. This morning, when she’d woken up on Catherine’s sofa with Lauren’s feet in her face, she had immediately remembered the message and gotten embarrassed all over again.

She had no idea how she would ever face him again. It was too much to handle and all her own fault.

“He’s here!” Her assistant poked her head in Kayla’s office.

“Shit.” Kayla had sat here too long wallowing and now Evan was here for his date with her and, if she had to guess, he’d be upstairs in her office in a few minutes.

“Stall him,” Kayla whispered.

She didn’t need to bring anything with her but her purse, so she slipped her heels back on. Instead of heading for the stairs where she might run into him, she went into her private bathroom and shut the door. Her only goal was for him to believe she wasn’t around and to go back downstairs.

As she hid, she shook her head at herself. She was in her own bathroom avoiding the man that had become one of her closest friends. She was an idiot—an idiot who wasn’t going to go out there and talk to him right now, though.

Muffled voices came through the door. Unable to hear the words, she didn’t know if he would be put off or not.

A few minutes later, a soft knocking on the door made her jump.

“He’s gone,” her assistant said.