Page 18 of Evan

Kayla dropped her head back on the pillow after putting her phone down. She was the one who was a mess. There was no way she’d make it through this.



Sunday morning was gloomy and gray. Despite the fact that Kayla knew she’d feel more awake if she got on the treadmill, she ordered breakfast to be delivered and curled up with a warm blanket on the sofa.

Movies weren’t something she often took the time to watch. If anything, she’d rather be reading, but she rarely made time for that either. Today was about turning off her brain and getting lost in a happily-ever-after.

She took her time picking one that she knew was just going to be a feel-good type of movie as she waited for her French toast and latte to arrive. Not once did she think about Evan…at least not on purpose.

Her phone chimed and she grabbed it expecting her delivery only to find that Evan had messaged her through the app. It was as though she had conjured him up by trying to convince herself not to think of him. She stared at it for too long before finally opening the message.

E: Good morning. I hope it’s not too early for you. I just wanted to say hi.

God, the man was a gentleman in all things he did, even an opening text with a stranger. And why wouldn’t he be good at reaching out to someone? It’s not like he literally did that for a living.

Kayla sat up straighter and thought about how to respond. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, but it was weird knowing that it was Evan, adding a whole different layer of nerves to this blind date thing.

K: I’m up, waiting on some breakfast and coffee. How are you?

There, that was simple, starting a conversation without being weird.

Her food arrived. The idea of having it all cozy and comfy was shot now that Evan was messaging her, so she took it to the table to eat like a civilized person. Pulling off the lid to her latte, she inhaled it deeply and moaned over it. This place had the best ones, but they were so full of sugar and junk that she rarely let herself order it, usually choosing something a lot lighter.

E: I’m glad I didn’t wake you.

E: What’s for breakfast?

Kayla smiled down at her phone. It was so like Evan to go to her mention of food. For some reason, that was his definition of small talk and had been as long as she’d known him. It was probably the main reason he fought her on just serving salad.

K: French toast and a latte.

She sent the message and then groaned. Now if she talked to Evan, she had to remember not to tell him what she’d ordered for breakfast. This was going to be a challenge. Not that it would be too weird that two people ordered the same thing for breakfast, but she didn’t want to make him suspicious either.

E: Oh nice. I had bacon and eggs today.

K: That sounds good too.

It was awkward, there was no way around it. Worse than first-date awkward because she knew him. For the millionth time, she regretted agreeing to this.

E: So, what are you planning to do on this gray day?

K: I was going to watch a movie and eat my breakfast.

E: Was?

K: Now I’m talking to you, lol.

E: I didn’t mean to interrupt your morning.

K: It’s not like it was anything important. I don’t mind being interrupted, and it’s nice to hear from you before our date.

E: Have you done this before?

K: I have not. You?

She wondered what he would say in response to that. Obviously, she knew he had done this twice over, but if he was a smart man, he wouldn’t go too much in detail.