Page 78 of Evan

Owen Chapter 1

Owen stepped into The Striped Keg bar and looked around. The dim lighting was a stark contrast to the well-lit street he had just come in from.

Men and women chatted throughout the room, most standing at tables with a few lining the bar. He came here specifically to avoid too much conversation. Plus, as it was across town, no one recognized him.

They could if they looked hard enough, but few ever did, and that was what he wanted. A drink and some peace.

Walking around the old wooden bar, he took a seat at the far end and waited for the bartender to notice him. It had been a disastrous week, one he’d like to forget, and here where he blended in, it helped.

“What can I get ya?” the bartender asked.

He handed over his card. “Start a tab. I have a ride home, didn’t drive here. Scotch.”

He always made it a point to let the bartender know he wasn’t driving. It helped make sure he wasn’t cut off before he was done for the night.

“All right.” With a curt nod the bartender walked away.

“Excuse me?” A pretty blonde in a black dress approached him. “Are you Kyle?”

Owen shook his head.

“Damn. Mind if I sit here?” she asked as she set her small purse on the bar and sat down without waiting for an answer. “Why I let my sister set me up on some stupid blind date with a guy name Kyle of all things, I’ll never know. Then he’s not even here on time? Way to set the tone.”

As much as he didn’t want to be, he had to admit he was intrigued by the plain-speaking woman next to him. She didn’t even seem to care if anyone was listening to her monologue, just kept on going.

The bartender brought Owen’s drink over and turned to the woman.

“A beer, please. Whatever’s on tap is fine.”

“Add it to my tab,” Owen said without thinking.

It was stupid. She was going to sit here now and keep talking to him and there went all hope for his night of peace.

“You don’t have to do that,” she told him as the bartender walked away.

“Looks like you could use a good break tonight, figured maybe it would cheer you up.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you,” she said boldly, causing Owen to choke on his first sip.


“Just because you bought me a drink and my date didn’t show, I’m not so grateful that I’ll drop my panties for you tonight. I don’t do one-night stands.”

Owen couldn’t hold back the bark of laughter that spilled out. “You’re very blunt,” he told her.

“No sense in not saying what you mean here in a dark bar with strangers. If you want, I can pay for my drink myself when he comes back with it.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind paying for it with nothing in return.” He flashed his most charming smile at her. “I didn’t intend to get anything for it as it was.”

“Thank you.”

Her drink showed up a moment later and he let the bartender know she was on his tab until he closed out.

“Why’d you think I was your date?”

“Wishful thinking, perhaps?” She shook her head at herself before turning back to him. “You were late getting here and your tie is the right color.”