Page 76 of Evan

“Promises, promises,” she teased back.

“Let’s go get this done.”

They headed out and were quickly at Catherine’s office. Their plan had been to meet with her about a half hour before to discuss what was going on and to get everything ready.

“I’m so happy for you guys!” Catherine squealed as they walked in holding hands.

“Thank you,” Kayla said and gave her friend a one-armed hug.

They followed her back to the conference room. “I took the liberty of printing out all of the emails, and Thomas, who will be here shortly, printed out whatever technical information he has. With any luck this will be over very soon. Is your lawyer on her way?” Catherine asked Evan.

“She is. I emailed her what we knew, but I don’t know if it even made sense.”

Probably because Kayla had been up with him for damn near 24 hours before they sent that email. “She’s going to be cutting it close time-wise though,” Evan added.

“No problem. The front desk knows who to expect.”

They talked about a few other things, and Catherine circled back to their new couple status several times. She was genuinely happy for them, and it was a bit overwhelming but in a good way for him.

“Thomas,” Catherine greeted the newcomer. “Thank you for coming, and for all your help. This is Kayla and Evan.” She did the introductions and they took their seats as they waited for everyone to come.

Over the next ten minutes, the room filled with different detectives. Cade was also there; he was too nosy to be in the same building and not come down, and April, Kayla’s lawyer, arrived too.

“I think that’s everyone,” Kayla told the lead detective.

“Great,” the lead detective who had introduced himself as Detective Lawson said.

Over the next two hours, the room was filled and everyone talked over what they knew as the police asked questions. Thomas had been very detailed, but Evan still had no idea what he was talking about. Well, he had an idea, but looking at it made no sense to him.

“Thank you, everyone,” Detective Lawson said. “I have a question and would like to get the insight of those who were impacted. After meeting with the subject and now after reading all these emails, do you think she sent them?”

Damn, Evan thought, that meant they were right and they hadn’t come from her. “I don’t think so.”

“Me either,” Cade said. “The language used is too inconsistent from the person to the email. It almost seems like their goal wasn’t to get money.”

Detective Lawson nodded his agreement. “Anyone else?”

Evan added, “It’s been something we were wondering about, but we don’t have any suspects that would be working with her.”

“You could definitely ask her daughter. I could call her and have her here shortly,” Kayla offered.

“I will speak to them separately due to the sensitive nature of her involvement.”

Evan suppressed a snort. Lauren wasn’t involved. She didn’t like her mother and there was plenty of proof of their most recent falling out, which had overlapped with a different smear campaign on the restaurant as it was.

Catherine added Evan’s thoughts. “I included here in the files I emailed over and in the printouts in your packets the information of the last run-in with her. Please, let any of us know if we missed anything and, of course, you can ask Lauren directly.”

“I appreciate it,” Detective Lawson told her. “If you ever want to do something else, you are welcome to run every briefing at the department. This has been the most well-planned interview I’ve done with witnesses, with evidence and everything ready to go for me already.”

Evan watched as Catherine blushed. She was overly happy most of the time, but in the years he’d known her, he had never seen her blush.

“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind,” she said.

“We will see ourselves out.” He stood and shook everyone’s hands. “Thomas, we might be in touch with questions, but thank you for your help. If anyone thinks of someone she could have been working with, please let us know. We will question her about it, but I’m not sure we will get much information. She’s been quiet.”

They left the room and Catherine finally took a seat. “I’m using this mess in my portfolio. None of you made me sign an NDA.”

Kayla laughed. “I will sign a release if you want. By all means, use whatever April says is okay.”