Page 66 of Evan

They both gave her an awkward laugh.

“Okay. Onto the rest of the information.” Catherine took her seat again. “He’s still trying to see who the email belongs to, but he is also looking into the account information.”

“Thank you,” Kayla told her. “Really. Tell mysterious man the same thing, please.”

“Mysterious man?” Catherine laughed. “He’ll like that.”

“Out of curiosity, have I met him?” Evan asked.

Catherine’s eyes got wide and she nodded.

“Are you teasing Ryker on purpose?” he asked.

“No! I swear. I just didn’t want to put his name out there.”

“Hi. Lost over here,” Kayla said.

“She’s using Ryker’s security firm to do this. I’d guarantee that her mystery man is his IT guy,” Evan explained.

Kayla snorted. Leave it to Catherine to find a way to get under Ryker’s skin.

“I didn’t want to put his name out there and then Ryker yell at him for doing this favor for me,” Catherine said, trying defending herself.

“As though Ryker would be mad at him for helping us?” Evan rolled his eyes.

“He’d be mad I had Thomas’s number,” Catherine said quietly.

“That part I believe. What are you going to do when he finds out?” Evan asked.

“Nothing. You aren’t going to tell him so he has no reason to know.” She glared at him.

“Woah.” Evan held his palms up in mock surrender. “I never said I was going to tell him.”

Kayla laughed as they went back and forth over it. It was nice to finally feel a bit relaxed.

“What about you two? Don’t act like I didn’t just see her on your lap.” Catherine arched an eyebrow at him.

“She damn near fell. Next time you have big news, maybe wait till everyone is sitting down,” he fussed at her.

“Mm-hmm.” Catherine yawned and looked down at her watch. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize it was past midnight already. I’m going to head home and tomorrow, or later today, we can meet at my office and discuss the next steps.”

Kayla looked at her clock. She didn’t realize how late it had gotten either. “You are welcome to crash in the spare room,” she offered.

“No thanks. I’m going to head home, and then I’ll set up a time to meet.” Catherine closed her computer and stood. “Evan, check in with Jake when it’s an appropriate time and see if his investigation has gotten anywhere. If not, I may ask Ryker for support there.”

“Agreed. I can ask Ryker though. I don’t want you to put yourself in a weird place,” Evan told her.

“Thanks.” Catherine put her laptop into the big bag she’d carried over tonight and headed for the door. “You’ll be back up and running in no time, Kayla.”

She genuinely hoped so. This idea had taken so long to launch and get to a successful point. All she wanted was to be able to run her business and own it outright.

“Are you going to be okay?” Evan asked.

“I’m good. I might even get some sleep tonight.”

“I can stay if you want,” Evan offered. “I mean on the sofa or your spare room,” he rushed out.

She wanted him to leave, right? Maybe. She knew she’d sleep a heck of a lot better with him here—hell, even better with him in her bed. No. That wasn’t going to happen.