Page 64 of Once Upon a Kiss

After Drew doled out the gifts they’d brought for the kids and two bottles of wine for his parents, they all sat on the sofa while Jasper and Jackie dozed off on the recliner in front of the fire and Victoria played with her new doll.

“So, Lacey,” Natalie said with a huge smile, “Drew tells us you two met at Spero. It’s so pretty there.”

Lacey could feel her face turning shades of red at the memory. “Yes, your brother was in the right place at the right time. Or,” she added, “maybe it was the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Drew lifted her left hand and kissed it. “Definitely the right place.”

Gasps rang out. When Drew and Lacey looked in the direction the gasps had come from, both Natalie and her mother had their hands over their mouths. Annie hurried in. “What happened?”

Natalie pointed and Lacey followed her eyeline directly to her diamond ring. “Are you two…”

Drew stood, bringing Lacey up with him. “Yes, we’re engaged.”

Amid cheers and words of congratulations, Monica popped up. “This calls for champagne.”

Moments later, their flutes were filled, and they toasted to having a new sister and daughter. Lacey couldn’t hold back the tears that flowed down her face. She had never been so happy in her entire life, and it was all thanks to the man who showed her what love really felt like. A man who was there for her when she needed him, with whom she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life.


Ten Months Later

As if walking into a memory, Lacey was greeted by soft holiday carols played on steel drums, a Christmas tree with angel ornaments adorning the branches, and Fiona with a tray of the resort’s trademark fruity drinks ready and waiting for vacationers to enjoy.

Except this year Drew’s fingers were threaded with hers as they walked side by side through Spero’s lobby. Jackson and Hanna greeted them with hugs. When Drew and Lacey had decided to get married at the very spot they’d met, Ethan’s parents were more than excited. Especially since they’d always thought Drew would be an eternal bachelor like their son.

Lacey couldn’t imagine either of them not settling down. Drew was too much of a family man for that not to happen—something she had happily witnessed over the past several months. Each time she saw him with his niece and nephew solidified all she thought about him from the day they’d gone shopping for the kids in the orphanage.

Ethan, on the other hand, talked a good game. And even though he seemed to have the makings of a player, every once in a while he’d make a comment about his future on the island and passing the torch to his kids. Lacey hoped it wouldn’t be long before he settled down as well.

But this weekend was for her and her fiancé. Occasionally, she’d pinch herself to make sure everything in her life wasn’t a dream… and she hadn’t woken up yet.

“There he is.” Ethan strode toward them through the lobby. “Are you ready for your bachelor party? The strippers are waiting.” Ethan laughed and Lacey glared at him—until Drew smacked him on the back of his head. “Jeez, I was kidding.” He looked at Lacey. “Hey, beautiful. Are you sure you want to tie the knot with this guy when you could have me?”

Lacey had to laugh. “Yes, thank you. I’m positive.”

“You’re such a jerk.” Drew shook his head.

Ethan shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He tossed Lacey a wink. “Pete, Grace, and Janine are at the bar. Your family’s plane just landed, so they should be here soon.”

Lacey had gotten closer to Pete Carson over the past few months, though she had to walk a fine line since her largest client was also her soon-to-be-husband’s boss and good friend. So far it hadn’t been an issue, and the three of them had made a pact to keep their business and personal relationships separate.

“Sir,” their private concierge said to Drew, “your luggage is in your room. Miss, your gown has been steamed and is hanging in your closet. Please let me know if there are any other services you require.” Lacey had had her gown shipped to the resort so she wouldn’t need to travel with it.

“Thank you, Carmen.” Drew handed him a twenty; Carmen thanked him and walked away.

Ethan smiled at the professionalism his staff boasted. He had given Drew and Lacey the red-carpet treatment, including the largest suite, spa services, and personal concierge services as their wedding gift. “I need to get to the bar. I’ll see you guys later.”

This year they’d be spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve at the resort, as were their family and friends. Instead of spending their honeymoon alone, both Lacey and Drew had opted to be with the people they loved most—with the express stipulation that they’d still get plenty of alone time.

Lacey and Drew took the elevator to their room. But rather than unpack and rush downstairs to greet their friends, Drew had other plans. “I can’t believe I won’t be sleeping with you tonight.”

Lacey laughed. “One night, Drew. It’s tradition.”

“It’s dumb.” When another giggle escaped from Lacey’s lips, Drew silenced her with his. Their kiss wasn’t rushed at first, but then it became greedy, and before Lacey knew it, she was under the covers, making love to her future husband.

If there was one thing to be said about Drew Mitchell, it was that there was no mistaking how much he loved Lacey. And just like every other time they were together, he promised their life wouldkeep getting better and better… and she didn’t doubt it for a second.

Lacey stared in the full-length mirror in the most gorgeous suite Spero offered. She couldn’t believe that this time last year, she hadn’t even known Drew. And now she was in a white flowing wedding gown, ready to become his wife.