Page 47 of Once Upon a Kiss

“Don’t count on it,” the woman said before they both walked out.

Despite her sneaking suspicions about whomever they were discussing, Lacey wasn’t deterred. As she stepped out of the elevator, an older woman greeted her from the reception desk; behind her were large gold letters that spelled outCARSON ENTERPRISES.

“Hello, how may I help you?”

Lacey plastered the biggest smile she could on her face. “Hello, I’m Lacey Winters from Willem and Vance. I’d like to see Pete Carson, please.”

The woman tapped a few buttons on the keyboard in front of her before peering over her reading glasses. “Do you have an appointment? I don’t see you on his calendar.”

“Actually, I don’t. But it will just take a few minutes.”

Her sweet, grandmotherly look vanished. “Sorry. He doesn’t see anyone without an appointment.”

“When is his next opening?”

She rolled her eyes and pressed a button on her phone. “Hello, Michael. Can you please check Mr. Carson’s calendar for his next opening? There’s a Ms. Winters here who would like to see him.” She glanced back at Lacey. “Uh-huh… hmm… right… I see. Yes, thank you.” She met Lacey’s hopeful eyes. “His next availability is in three weeks. If you leave your information, I will have his assistant contact you.”

Three weeks? That would be after the meeting she already had scheduled. Rather than press the issue, Lacey thanked the woman and turned back to the elevators. She was about to press the button when she heard a young woman’s voice, which was accompanied by a deeper, masculine one. Two people were walking out of what looked like a conference room a few doors away. “Thank you, Mr. Carson, I’ll do just that. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything. This is the best internship I’ve ever had. Bye.” The young woman gave an awkward wave, her cheeks flushing as she headed toward the elevator. Lacey couldn’t blame her. Pete Carson looked better than he had in any picture she’d found online.

Pete Carson. Lacey took a moment to appraise the man. Tall, nice build, and a navy suit that screamed custom. There wasn’t a thing out of place on him; perfectly straight tie, polished shoes—even his dark hair was impeccably styled. He smiled in the young woman’s direction, then turned and started down the hall.

Lacey’s heart leaped up to her throat. She knew this was her chance. Giving a quick look to the not-so-nice receptionist who was busy chatting on the phone, Lacey followed him.

Doing her best not to make a sound, Lacey walked on the balls of her feet, preventing her stilettos from clacking against the tiled floor—hoping she wouldn’t trip. When Pete turned the corner, she could tell they were in the executive’s wing of the building. There were more offices and conference rooms than cubicles, and thankfully most were empty due to the time of day.

A young man approached Pete, and Lacey had to dart behind a large fake tree to avoid him. Peering through the green silk leaves, she watched the men. “Here are your messages. If it’s okay with you, I’ll be heading to lunch now. Your next appointment isn’t until four o’clock.” Lacey narrowed her eyes at the fibbing assistant. If she didn’t want to blow her cover, she’d scold him for lying.

“Thank you.” Pete took the messages and stepped into his office, closing the door behind him. Once the assistant was out of sight, Lacey headed toward the large wooden door.

She took a moment to glance at her reflection in one of the small windows and smoothed her snowflake-damp hair.You can do this, Lacey.Mustering courage, she firmly knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

When she opened the heavy door, Pete Carson was standing with his back to her, a file in his hand. “Did you forget something, Michael?”

“I’m not Michael.” Before he could tell her to get out, she stepped into his office and closed the door behind her, stretching her hand out as she walked toward him. She smiled brightly and prayed her nerves didn’t show. “Hi, I’m Lacey Winters from Willem and Vance. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Pete quirked an eyebrow. “I’m sorry to just barge in, but I was hoping you could spare a fewminutes.”

Pete took her hand in his and gave it a quick shake. “I don’t recall seeing your name on my calendar.”

“It isn’t. I mean, it is in about a week and a half, but not today.”

“Then why are you here now?” Pete asked admonishingly as he sat in his large leather desk chair.

Lacey had done a bit of research on Mr. Pete Carson. Aside from his business dealings, she’d found out he was single, a sought-after bachelor, private, and worth more than she could fathom. Pete was also extremely good looking. She could imagine the havoc he and Drew must have caused on campus, but she shook those thoughts from her head. She was there for one purpose, and even if he did make her knees shake, she steadied herself and forged ahead.

Not knowing whether to sit or stand, Lacey remained upright. “I realize you’re a busy man, and I mean no disrespect by barging into your office, but I think I can save us both time, and there won’t be a need for our future appointment. Or for that matter, an appointment with any other advertising firm or account executive.”

“Is that so? How do you plan on accomplishing that?”

Lacey took the fact that Pete hadn’t kicked her out of the office yet as a good sign. She shrugged off her black winter coat to reveal her red power suit.

“If I may, I’d like to cut to the chase and show you what I’ve prepared for your campaign. No better time than the present, right?”

Pete smirked. “Please, don’t let me stop you.”

Without hesitation, and not knowing if he was being sarcastic or not, Lacey pulled her laptop from her bag, flipped the screen around to put it in tablet mode, and pushed a few buttons. The new logo she’d designed for the company appeared on the screen. She hoped her hands didn’t shake as she pressed on.

“Carson Enterprises is known for its successes. You’re known for your ruthless business style, which has made you and your company one of the top in the country.”