Page 13 of Once Upon a Kiss

“How many ornaments did you pick?” They’d been shopping for about an hour, and their basket was beginning to overflow.

“Twenty.” Clearly, he took after his mother when it came to Christmas presents.

Lacey blinked a few times. “Twenty? I only picked five.” Her eyes focused on his pocket. “Can I have some of yours?”

Drew let out a chuckle that vibrated in her chest just before he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “They’ll be from both of us. So collectively we have twenty-five.”

She nodded, not caring if she spent the rest of the vacation money she’d saved on the kids. “Okay, thank you. We can split the cost.”

“You worry about your five.” Lacey was about to object, but Drew chastely kissed her lips, preventing the words from flowing out.

After they paid for their items, complete with wrapping paper and bows, they headed outside. Drew opened the door for her, and they were greeted with hot humid air. So many people despised the heat, but Lacey loved it. If she could forgo winter entirely, she gladly would.

“It’s so pretty here,” Lacey said, taking Drew’s free hand in hers. When he smiled, she did the same. Looking to her left, she noticed ayoung girl sitting with an older woman at a small stand on a street corner. Her tiny fingers wove bracelets from an array of rainbow-color strings hanging from a wooden dowel.

Lacey led Drew to the stand. “Hi there, what are you making?”

Big brown eyes looked up at them. “Buddy bracelets. You have one and then you give one to a friend. This way you’re never alone.” She set down the one she was working on and picked one she had already made.

Lacey warmed at the earnestness in the little girl’s eyes. “I’m Lacey, and this is my friend, Drew.”

“I’m Olivia.” She pointed to the woman beside her. “This is my mom, Tina.”

Lacey greeted the woman and noticed the little girl had on two bracelets. “I see you’re wearing a couple of them. They’re very pretty.”

“Thank you. My mom has one, and so does my friend from school.” Tina held up her wrist and proudly smiled.

Drew picked up two that matched. “Olivia, do you think one of these would fit my fat wrist?”

A sweet giggle floated in the air. “No, but I can make one for you. If you want me to.”

Drew glanced at Lacey and winked before turning his attention back to Olivia. “Actually, I’d like two. One for me, and one for Lacey.”

Olivia beamed. “Okay.” She handed one that was already made to Lacey and went to work on a matching bracelet for Drew. Her little fingers moved so quickly, before they knew it, the bracelet was completed. “Here you go.” She handed it to Drew.

“How much do I owe you?”

“Five dollars,” Olivia said, eyes full of hope.

Drew reached into his wallet and pulled out a twenty. “Here you go.” Olivia started to fish for change in a leather envelope, but Drew stopped her. “You don’t owe me any money back. Knowing my friend has a reminder that I’ll be there for her is priceless.”

Olivia looked to her mother, seeking approval. Tina nodded, and the girl turned her attention back to Drew. “Thank you.”

Lacey’s heart practically exploded in her chest. A couple of girls walked up to the table, eyeing the bracelets, so Drew and Lacey walked away to give them room.

“This one’s for you,” Drew said as he fastened the multicolored bracelet around Lacey’s wrist. “Here, do mine.” He handed his to her and she tied it just as he had.

“You’re amazing, did you know that?” Lacey beamed up at Drew, who just shrugged. “I’m glad you’re my buddy.”

“Just a reminder that I’m here for you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Want to go back to the hotel and take a swim? It’s steamy out here.”

Steamy… that summed up how Lacey felt right about now. “Sure, sounds good.”

The lobby was full of people checking in and out. Lacey’s heart sank, knowing that she’d be leaving at one point. Being disconnected from reality was what she needed. She told herself not to count the days left on the island and with Drew, but that was easier said than done. Especially now that she had a reminder looped around her wrist.

They decided to keep the gifts in Drew’s room and would meet at the pool bar for lunch. Knowing Ethan was working, Lacey was determined to make a better impression on him. Granted, she shouldn’t care, but what woman wouldn’t want to look her best in front of herboyfriend’sbest friend? The title Drew gave himself continued to rattle around in her brain.

Deep down Lacey knew it was all pretend, but the time she spent with him didn’t feel that way. It was real in every sense of the word. No real boyfriend had ever treated her with such kindness and consideration before. Maybe a fake boyfriend really was the answer. Shaking her head free of that ridiculous notion, she slathered on sunscreen, tied her hair in a high ponytail, put on her cutest pink-and-white-striped bikini, and tied a white sarong around her hips. One swipe of sheer gloss with SPF 30 on her lips and she was good to go.