“No!” Cassandra shouts.
The Minotaur glances at us. It’s the briefest hesitation, but Artemis isn’t some helpless civilian. She claimed her title through the violence of a hunt, and she’s obviously kept her skills sharp in the intervening years. She may not understand the full scope of what’s happening yet, but she’s ready to defend herself.
She lashes out with her feet. The blow appears aimed for the Minotaur’s knee. He takes a step back, but she’s ready for him, sweeping his legs out from beneath him. A bait and switch.
He hits the ground with an impact I’m certain I can feel even at this distance, and Artemis doesn’t hesitate. She leaps to her feet and launches herself into the pond. She hits the water nearly six feet from the shore and is already swimming deeper. She’s fast enough that the Minotaur will have no hope of catching her and smart enough that she’ll disappear into the countryside the moment she hits the far shore.
Artemis is safe, for now.
I stop several yards away and hold out an arm to stop Cassandra from passing me. The Minotaur sits up and watches his prey escape him. “Lucky timing.” For the life of me, I cannot decide if he’s angry or disappointed to have been interrupted. His face and voice give nothing away.
“You won’t get another chance. I’ll make sure of that.”
“Not today.” He gives a slow, feral smile. “Will you be able to stop my brother though? I doubt it.” He gives a dry, raspy chuckle. “We’ve already won.”
That’s what I’m afraid of.
I’m holding Apollo back.
I’m healthy enough but I am not, and never will be, a runner. Not like he is. Not like he needs me to be in this moment. We’re halfway through the house on the way to the garage, and my lungs are on fire and the stitch in my side sears through me with every harsh breath. I’m slowing down, and I wasn’t particularly fast to begin with.
Apollo is slowing down with me. I gasp out a curse. “Go. I’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head sharply. “No.”
We’ve already taken too long. In order to trigger the clause, the would-be assassin has to kill their target with their own hands, in close combat. Considering how untouchable he felt, Hephaestus won’t be on his guard…and Theseus has had more than enough time to corner his prey. If Hephaestus is alive, it’ll be a sheer miracle.
“Apollo, please!”
“I amnotleaving you.” The vehemence in the sentence nearly makes me trip over my own feet. It’s similar to how he sounded when he said we wouldn’t split up earlier.
When he told me he’d let Olympus burn if it mean keeping me safe.
When he told me he loved me.
If he won’t leave me, then there’s no choice but to push through. I drag in a harsh breath and do my best to pick up my pace. We get through the house and burst out through the front door. I don’t allow myself to stop; if I stop, I’m going to never start again.
I clocked the garage when we first arrived, and I head in that direction, Apollo at my side. The bastard is barely winded and I’ll hate him for that later. He throws an arm out in front of me as we reach the garage. “Let me go first.”
The temptation to argue for the sake of arguing is nearly overwhelming, but I press my lips together and nod tightly. He shoves the door open and heads through it. I follow closely. I’m not about to let him out of my sight.
The detached garage is huge enough that I spare a thought to what the fuck Hermes had in here before she sold the place. It certainly wasn’t cars. She owns one, which is one more than I have or need, but she isn’t the type to have a garage filled with vehicles she’ll never drive. Minos doesn’t seem to share the sentiment, because there are five vehicles in here. Aside from an expensive-looking red convertible, they’re all nondescript SUVs and town cars in a uniform black similar to the ones every other rich family in Olympus drives.
Across from the neat line of vehicles is a set of shelving filled with various shit that seems to be in all garages. Apparently the rich also like to store their tires and miscellaneous tools just like normal people.Rich people, they’re just like us.I bite down a hysterical giggle that is entirely spurred by exhaustion and stress.
Apollo slows and looks around. The lighting is relatively dim in here, thanks to the small windows overhead, but we can see clearly enough that it appears to be empty. He glances at me and jerks his chin in a clear command to stay close.
He has nothing to worry about there. I might have volunteered to split up to warn those who might be in danger, but I’m no hero. I have absolutely no desire to get myself killed for some member of the Thirteen who wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire.
A soft thud sounds somewhere nearby.
Apollo sprints in the direction of the sound, leaving me to do my best to keep up. When I round the corner of the farthest SUV, I wish I hadn’t.
Theseus straddles Hephaestus’s chest, his big fists descending in a steady rhythm as he beats the other man. I can’t tell if Hephaestus is alive, but he’s not fighting back. And there’s…so much blood. I press my hand to my mouth and take a step back.