Page 64 of Radiant Sin

“No, love. You’re going to be the one worshipped.”



Maybe, given enough time, I’d eventually become used to the way Apollo’s voice goes deep and stern when he’s turned on and looking at me like I’m a buffet laid out for his personal enjoyment. Maybe.

No matter what else is true, I’m not thinking of anything but him and what he’ll do next. It’s a reprieve I desperately need, and he’s giving me exactly what I asked for.

He circles back to the dresser and grabs a random hair tie I’d left there. It gives me the chance to take another moment to appreciate how fucking gorgeous he is. He has the kind of body that’s seen on classical statues, muscled without being over the top about it. He obviously works out—something I was well aware of before, since he does it on his lunch breaks—but seeing his smooth skin on display makes me weak. I want to taste him and touch him and just press as much of myself against as much of him as possible.

He makes me feel safe, as if when he’s in the room with me, nothing else can touch me. If I’m honest, he’s been making me feel safe for a very long time.

He turns and his cock is a painful-looking imprint on the front of his slacks. I swallow hard. “You should take your pants off.”

“When I’m ready.”

I shake my head. “I want you to have a good time, too, Apollo. This can’t all be about me.”

His eyes go wide and then narrow. “Cassandra.” Gods, I love that firm tone he takes when I’ve done something to test him. “Tonight I’ll have my hands on your naked body. No matter what else happens, I’m having the time of my life.” He’s smiling as he climbs onto the bed, and my brain does not have capacity to process Apollo crawling toward me withthatlook on his handsome face.

I expect him to stop a short distance away, but apparently we’re past that now. He nudges my legs together and moves to kneel straddling them. His powerful thighs pressed against the outside of mine send a shiver through me.

Apollo reaches behind me and gathers my hair in careful hands. It takes a few moments to get it into what feels like a messy bun, and then he runs his hands over my neck and shoulders and upper back, obviously checking for stray hairs that might get tangled in the rope. I have to fight the urge to practically purr at the way he’s taking care of me. Seeming to be satisfied, he sits back and begins running the rope through his hands.

I’ve seen dominants go through this ritual of checking rope before putting it on their submissives, but this feels different. Apollo lends a level of intent to the process that feels new and strange. It feelsgood.

The soft sound of the silken rope against his palms soothes me even as it makes the tension inside me coil tighter. I don’t understand how these two things can exist at the same time, but none of my rules seem to apply with this man.

Apollo reaches the end of the rope and gives a low hum of approval. “Hermes takes good care of her toys.”

I swallow hard. There’s none of the tightness in his tone that was there earlier, but that doesn’t change the fact that… “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

His lips curve. “Okay.” He sifts back through the rope to the approximate middle and gently hooks it around the back of my neck. He eyes me and licks his lips. “If anything…” Apollo shakes his head. “This should feel firm but not pinching. If anything starts to tingle, tell me immediately.”

“I will.” When he still hesitates, I add, “I promise.”

Finally, Apollo nods and begins.

It’s slow, sensual work. That feeling of being taken care of amplifies and expands with each brush of his knuckles and tug of the rope as he carefully binds me. The rope crisscrosses in front of the hollow of my throat, angling down to catch my elbows in a very supportive position that allows me to rest them in the cradle of the silk. Then it crosses in a different pattern between my breasts to bind my hands together, palm to palm in the prayer position. The way he has my arms lifts my breasts and has them pressing tightly against my forearms.

He sits back and studies me. “Perfect.” Apollo shifts around to my back and catches my chin in a firm hand, turning my face to the mirror over the dresser. “Look how beautiful you are, Cassandra.”

As I look into the mirror, it’s not my reflection I’m staring at. It’s Apollo, and the wayheis looking atme. He runs his hands lightly over my arms and brushes the undersides of my breasts with his thumbs. “Does anything feel too tight?”

There’s not enough air in the room. He’s teasing me right now and I might die if he doesn’t touch me properly soon. “It feels good.”

“Mmm.” He lightly circles my nipples with his fingers. They’re already pebbled, but his touch makes them tighten. I whimper and instinctively lean back, trying to get away from the pleasure so acute that it feels like pain.

Except there’s nowhere to go. Apollo’s hard body is behind me, and he’s unyielding even as I squirm beneath his touch. “Apollo, please.”

“I will give you everything you need, love.” It almost sounds like a threat.

I can’t process the fact that he called melove. My mind skips right over that word on his lips, spoken in that deep, firm tone. “But—”

He plucks at my nipples, drawing a whimper from my lips. “You can argue all you want, but I will have my way.”

I press my thighs together, but it does nothing to assuage the need pulsing in my pussy. “I really hope your way includes orgasms and quickly.”