Page 41 of Radiant Sin

I push her down onto the bed and the sight of her stops me in my tracks. She’s soft and beautiful and, gods, I want her to be mine in truth.

Stop it. It’s too much to ask.

Cassandra makes a whimpering sound. “Stop staring at me and come here. Don’t make me beg.”

Another time, I would. Another time…

I grab a condom and make quick work of rolling it down my cock. Cassandra spreads her legs as I climb onto the bed, giving me a devastating glimpse of the perfection that is her pussy.

I need to be inside her, but I can’t stop myself from dipping down and dragging my tongue up her center. She gives a cry and digs her hands into my hair. “Get up here.”

Despite the fact that I’m having a hard time breathing through the sheer wave of desire bearing me along, I manage a laugh. “Always so impatient.”

“Don’t act like you’re not.” She wraps a fist around my cock and squeezes a little. “That recovery time was, what? A minute?” She smiles against my lips. “You want me so badly, you’re shaking.”

I kiss down her jaw and nip her earlobe. “Are you expecting me to deny it?” I hold my breath as she guides my cock to her entrance. “Now, be a good girl and take this cock.”

She shivers. “I hate that I love that so much.”

“No, you don’t.” I have every intention of going slow. But like with the kiss, my wires get crossed somewhere between the intention and the doing. I thrust into her, sheathing myself to the hilt.

Cassandra cries out. I tense, reason warring with desire, but she makes the decision for me. She drags her fingers down my back and sets her nails against my ass. “Deeper. Harder.”

I thrust deeper. Harder. All thought leaves my head. There is nothing but her soft body wrapped around me. Nothing but how good her pussy feels. Nothing but her words, urging me on. There is no slowing down. No teasing this out until we’re both shaking and desperate for each other. There is only a rough fucking that fills the room with the sounds of our bodies coming together again and again.

I try to slow down, to regain control, but Cassandra arches against me, crying out as her pussy clamps around my cock. Sheer pleasure wrenches a curse from my lips and then I’m pounding into her, chasing my own release. I come so hard, I get light-headed. “Cassandra.”

We end up in a tangle on our sides. Distantly, I’m aware that I need to get up and deal with the condom, but I don’t quite have control over my lower body at this point.

She presses a light kiss to my nose. “Damn, Apollo. Just…damn.”

I want nothing more than to lose myself in this woman, to forget the rest of the outside world and make her mine for as long as she’s here. To do whatever it takes to convince her to stay. It’s the wrong call, the selfish one. Just like letting this escalate was selfish in the extreme. Maybe I’ll regret it later, but I can’t seem to right now.

I catch her chin and kiss her deeply. “You’ve pleased me greatly.”

She grins against my mouth. “Well, with you I actually want to earn the good-girl title. Who knew?”

Me. I knew. I ease off her and take a few minutes to dispose of the condom. Walking back into the room is surreal in the way that dreams are.

Cassandra has crawled beneath the covers and she smiles sleepily at me. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be up for round two.”

What she needs now isn’t another round of sex. It’s a soft easing down into sleep. This week is far from over, and we’ll need all our wits about us for whatever is coming. I don’t know what Minos is planning yet, but one thing is certain: I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure Cassandra remains safe and that her trust in me isn’t betrayed.

No matter the cost.



When Cassandra and I agreed to share the bed, I expected sleepless nights. That was before I knew her taste, knew how devastating she looks on her knees, knew the exact sound she makes when she orgasms.

I tuck us both into bed. Cassandra makes as if to move away from me, but I catch her wrist. “Come here.” When she hesitates, I continue. “You don’t have to stay all night, but you will allow me to hold you for a little while.”

She huffs out a faintly amused breath. “You really are a dom, aren’t you? We didn’t even do anything particularly kinky—”

“Cassandra, you know better.” Kink isn’t defined so acutely and she’s damn well aware of that. She’s protesting for the sake of protesting.

Another huff, but she slides back toward me. “Fine, fine. You’re right. Get your cuddles and aftercare.” For all her snark, she drapes herself over my chest and buries her face in my neck. I run my hand down her spine, urging her a little closer, and she makes a sound perilously close to a purr. Immediately, she tenses. “You heard nothing.”