Page 93 of Sinful Crown

“I want to be free, to explore, to find out who I am and what I’m capable of.”

My hand reaches up, and I run my fingers through my hair. “Trust me, if I could let you go home, I would,” I admit.

Her lips thin, and she searches my face. “Did something happen?”

I think about whether I should tell her the news of the Russian mob’s involvement. I’ve always been honest about what I know, but at the same time, I don’t want to scare her.

“I have a few leads, and I hope by the end of the week, I’ll be able to tell you more.”

Sasha moves forward on the bed. “What leads? You promised you wouldn’t lie to me.”

“That I did.” I think about how I’m going to word this. The only conclusive lead I have is the picture, so that’s what I start with. “I have a picture of a potential associate of your brother’s.”

“Can I see it?” she asks, eyes widening.

“I don’t have it on me right now, but I’ll show you.”

“Do you promise?” The insecurity in her voice, coupled with the childlike quality she possesses at this moment, has me wondering how many people have let her down in the past.

I nod. “Now, no more stalling. Let’s get back to the topic of your music.”

She moans, throwing her head back, but it doesn’t stop me.

“Once it’s safe, will you go to Juilliard?”

“If I can get over my fear. Although, who knows. By the time this threat is no longer an issue, it might be too late.”

I close the space between us until I’m standing beside the bed, looking down at her. “It’s never too late to live out a dream. Bravery is going for it even if there’s a chance you’ll fail.”

Her head lifts, and her eyes meet mine with an intensity I haven’t seen from her before. “Have you ever been that kind of brave?”

“Bravery has never been my problem. Knowing when to be vulnerable is where I struggle.”

She jerks back at my words, but I close the distance, leaning forward and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Play. I’ll close the door. And if it helps, I promise to empty this wing. I’ll clear the house if I need to. No one will hear you.”

“Where are you going…again?”

I smirk at her, loving that she seems to take issue with my absence.

“Will you miss me?” She rolls her eyes, and I laugh. “Bye, firefly.”

* * *

I leftSasha alone for a few hours, allowing her time to practice. Then I found her asleep in her bed.

That wasn’t going to happen. She doesn’t get to sleep without me. Not anymore.

So, I did what any sane person would do. I picked her up and brought her into my room.

Just because I’m giving her space doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep alone.

The room is dark now, a heavy curtain blocking out the moonlight. I hear something rustling.

Sasha shifts beside me.

I freeze, not wanting to wake her up. She turns over in her sleep and rests her head on my chest. I automatically wrap my arms around her. I’ll take innocent liberties in the name of being asleep. I don’t care if it’s wrong.

She’s still asleep, her breathing soft and even. Peaceful.