Page 67 of Sinful Crown

“Just sleep on the bed. I won’t touch you,” he bites out, not bothering to respond to my accusations.

“Like I can believe you,” I mutter as I make my way back to his closet to grab another shirt. I slam the door closed. I might not be able to sleep here, but for the next few minutes, I’ll get the solitude I need.

I can’t sleep in bed with him.

Not just because I hate him, but because no matter how much I don’t want to admit it, I want him.

Or at least my subconscious does.

I work on my breathing and ridding my head of these wayward thoughts. He’s not wrong. My back is messed up, and I’m sure his bed will be better for me physically. Just not mentally and emotionally.

Once I’m dressed, I swing open the door and head toward the bed, refusing to make eye contact with him. It feels like a long trek, even though it’s only a few feet.

My heart hammers in my chest, and my hands shake at my side.

“I won’t touch you,” Gideon says again. “I give you my word.”

I look at him. Really look at him. Can I believe him?

The fight bleeds out of me when I see how sincere he appears.


“Yes.” He nods once.

With nothing more to say, I pull back the blanket and get under the covers, positioning myself so that I am facing away from where I know he will lie. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. The hope is to calm myself enough so I’ll be able to fall asleep, but just as my plan is working and I’m about to drift off, I feel the bed dip, and Gideon lies down beside me.

I tense up, waiting for him to try to touch me, but he doesn’t. He remains on his side of the bed, breathing softly in the darkness.

This is going to be the longest night of my life.



Last night wasa test of wills.

Sasha in bed next to me was torture.

I should have let her stay in the damn closet.

Today, I’m paying for it. I’m functioning on very little sleep and thinking about all the sounds she made in her sleep. The way her ass pressed into my cock at some point. I immediately turned around, determined to keep my promise.

I’m a mess, and it’s not the frame of mind I should be in when flying Upstate to talk business.

Get your head in the game, Gideon.

I can’t let this woman distract me any more than she already has. People depend on me, and I can’t let them down. I can’t let myself down. There are always people waiting in the wings for me to fuck up.

One hour later, I’m pulling up to The Elysian. It’s nothing like I expect. The research I did on this place didn’t do it justice. Tall, mature trees line the drive, making it feel like it’s been here all along when in actuality, it’s brand new. At the end of the drive, it opens up to a forest. Or so it appears at first glance. I narrow my eyes, and that’s when I realize some of the trees aren’t trees at all but rather mirrored houses that capture the essence of nature.

It’s incredible.

I grabmy phone and pull up the Hell chat.


I’m here, @Trent