Page 59 of Sinful Crown

Twisting around, I head toward the door he pointed to, swinging it open with more force than necessary.

As stated, it’s his closet. His very large closet. Oh, who am I kidding? It’s massive.

It’s like he had one of those HGTV interior decorators come over and style it for him.

I have never seen anything like it. Why am I surprised?

The whole estate is ridiculous. This is the master bedroom, after all. Nothing in this place isn’t amazing.

It’s bigger than my studio apartment.

An idea pops into my head….

Who needs a bed when I could just stay in here and have a whole damn room to myself?

I can set up a makeshift bed on the floor.

It’s clean. Immaculate really.

Best yet? There’s a whole wall between Gideon and me.

Yep. This is where I’m going to sleep. Right in here. That’ll give me the needed distance from him.

A false sense of security.

I step outside and find him exactly where I left him. Sitting on the damn bed with a smug-ass look on his face. Too bad he’s so handsome. It’d be preferable if he weren’t.

Looking straight into his light blue eyes, I stand taller, crossing my arms over my chest. “The closet will do.”

He furrows his brow. “Do for what?”

“To sleep in, obviously.” I roll my eyes as if his question is ridiculous.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

I expect him to object, but then he smiles. “Suit yourself, but the door stays open.”

My lips thin, and I have to stuff down my growing annoyance. “Why? There’s no escaping the damn closet.”

“Because I said so, Sasha. Now go to bed.”

Looking back into the closet and then at him, I incline my head. “Can I at least get my pajamas from the other room?”

“No,” he says, turning away from me and climbing into his bed. “Sleep in one of my shirts.”

“What? No way. I don’t want anything of yours touching my body.”

He shakes his head on a huff, lying back and using both hands to fluff his pillow, like he hasn’t a care in the world.

“Sleep naked for all I care, Sasha. Your choice. I’m only providing options like a good host.”

I bark a humorless laugh, spinning on my heels and heading back to the safety of the closet.

Once inside, I pull open every drawer until I find what I’m looking for. If he’s going to be an arrogant ass, I’ll wear his damn T-shirt. No way would I sleep naked in this place.

The simple white T-shirt hangs to my knees and smells like Downy. It covers enough to give me some semblance of comfort.