Page 49 of Sinful Crown

Throwing open the door, I trudge down the hallway.

This time I take a different path, heading toward the east wing, but instead of staying on the main level, I take the back staircase.

What’s Gideon hiding down here?

Most likely a dead body.

Unlike the rest of the manor, this section is poorly lit.

The darkness is oppressive and all-encompassing.

It reminds me of being a kid, when Roman and I would play, and he would throw a blanket over my head. It always felt like it would smother me.

That’s how I feel right now, drifting down this path.

Like I’m being suffocated.

Shadows loom, and the air is thick. I can almost feel the walls closing in.

With my luck, spikes will pop out.This isn’t a movie, Sasha.


Turn around, you idiot.

No. It could lead to a way to escape.

I have to keep going.

Taking a deep breath, I forge ahead into the unknown. The darkness taunts me as I continue, but I refuse to give in to my fear. Instead, I hold my head high and keep walking, my eyes peeled for any sign of an exit or even evidence. I’m not opposed to getting this man arrested. This place might not be in Matt’s jurisdiction, but I’m sure he can help me lock Gideon behind bars.

That would be fun.

Bet he’d look good in orange.

Enough abouthim. Back to my quest.

My path soon leads to an open room.


There is no way to sugarcoat it.

This exploration will not bode well for me.

The walls are made of cold concrete, and in the corner, there are actual metal bars to hold someone.


This is what I imagine hell looks like.

“What do we have here?” The voice comes from behind me. My breath comes out in a short gasp as I whirl around and am met with a shadow creeping out from behind the darkness.

It’s the guard.

The one from the pool deck. The one who I saw in the hallway.

I take a step back, trying to distance myself from him.