Page 41 of Sinful Crown

I open my mouth and close it. I’m a fish out of water. A guppy trying to figure out how to breathe in this situation.

The problem is that despite my anger, I’m turned on.

I hate it.


I don’t understand why my body betrays me when he’s around. This is the guy who turned my brother into a degenerate. He broke apart the one piece of my family that I had left. He’s the devil, not my savior, and I need to remember that. Even if my actions, for now, don’t show it.

“Fine. But please, can you tell me what, if anything, you’ve learned about who’s after me?”

He sighs, head rolling back on his shoulders. “We don’t know much, Sasha. Whoever it is, they’re keeping a low profile. My guys are searching day and night, but so far, nothing substantial has come up.”

“Roman said they were looking for me?” I ask to keep him talking.

“Yes. He didn’t tell me who or why they were coming for you, but he was adamant that I look after you. So that’s what I’m doing.”

I nod, new thoughts circling in my mind. Thoughts about my brother and what the hell he could’ve been involved in.

Roman, what were you mixed up in?

What could be so bad that even this man doesn’t know? Better yet, what could they possibly want from me?

With every question and every minute that goes by, my dreams of Juilliard diminish, and it makes me want to throw up. It’s the one thing in my life I’ve always wanted. The thing I’ve worked toward forever, and it’s being taken away from me every second I stay here.

I need to be free. Free to live my life. Free to pursue my dreams.

Freedom is the key.



When Gideon left,I’m sure he expected me to relax. To keep myself entertained by watching a movie. Maybe even curl up and read a good book.

That’s exactly the opposite of what I want to do.

This place is uncharted territory, and I want to explore it. It’s necessary to forge a plan of escape should I need to run at a moment’s notice.

The fact that I can’t follow directions has always been a problem for me, mostly because my impatience has a tendency to get me caught. Because of that, I wait a few minutes before sneaking out of the room.

My shoes clap against the marble floor. Something about it is both calming and eerie.

Like rain on a windowpane or leaves rustling in the wind.

The hairs lift on the back of my neck.

With every step I take, I could be caught. It’s a gentle reminder that people could be watching even though I can’t see them, and I best remember that while moving through the place.

I peer around a corner, turning left and right, scanning the area for anyone. When the coast is clear, I step out and walk briskly through the wide-open foyer, heading toward the back of the place.

I’m not even a few steps away from a deserted corridor when a woman rounds the corner from the opposite hall. She’s dressed in an all-black ensemble. Simple and elegant, with a clean and classic look. It consists of a black skirt, black blouse, and an apron. Taking her in, I notice that she has a rag in her hand.

She must be one of the maids.

“Hi, I’m Sasha.” My voice doesn’t even sound like my own. The tone and pitch are a higher octave than is normal for me, but she wouldn’t know that.

A second passes before her lips part ever so slightly, a shy smile now on her face.