Page 35 of Sinful Crown

My eyes travel over every nook and cranny visible to the eye as I gather my own intel. By the time I make it to the grand staircase, I realize my escape won’t be easy. Not unless I have free rein outside. There’s literally nowhere to hide. I can run, but his goons will find me.

He’ll find me.

I turn the corner once I get to the bottom of the stairs, in search of the dining room, when I walk straight into a hard wall. My hands thrust out to catch myself and land on a firm chest.

Okay. Not a wall.

My head tilts up, and my breath catches. The hard body beneath my hand belongs to Gideon. Our eyes lock, and I slowly let out the breath I’m holding.

“You need to be more careful where you walk, firefly.” His voice is buttery smooth. Decadent. My body shivers at the same time my face heats.

Is it hot in here?

His full mouth tips into a smirk, and any lust that was building is doused by the nickname and the cocky attitude attached to it.

I might hate him.

But I really hate the way I react to him more.


“No,” I snap.

Jeez, Sasha. Acting like a petulant child is not part of the plan. It’s only been a few minutes, and you’re already deviating from the course. Typical.

If my behavior isn’t bad enough, my stomach chooses that moment to argue with me, and he doesn’t miss it. He chuckles, and I want to die.

“Come. I’ll show you to the dining room,” he says, placing his hand beneath my elbow to usher me toward sustenance, but I won’t go that willingly.

I need to set boundaries. To stay strong.

My feet stay rooted in place. “I’d rather eat alone.”

“That’s not going to happen, firefly.”

I yank my arm out of his grip. “I told you to stop calling me that.”

He completely ignores me. “What kind of host would I be if I let you eat alone two times within twenty-four hours?”

“The kind of host I’d prefer,” I say, glaring up at him.

He takes a step back, staring at me a little too intently. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, Sasha. Your choice,” he says, inspecting his hand. “But I’ll warn you, I’m not someone you want to make an enemy of. Especially considering I’m only trying to help you. To keep you safe.”

I blow out a harsh breath, realizing by the second that all my plans of escape are even less likely. Worse than that, do I really want to make more enemies?

At least he’s one you know and can avoid. Maybe.

“Fine. I’ll eat, but then you need to show me around. The place is a maze.”

He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth, looking way too amused. “And we wouldn’t want you getting lost.”

That’s exactly what I plan on doing. Except I won’t be lost. I’ll be hiding.



From across the table,I watch as she takes a bite out of the croissant. I didn’t know what she’d like to eat, so I had my chef create a buffet for her. Turns out it was all a waste since all she’s eaten is one croissant. My men will be happy. Her eating habits will allow them to feast.