Page 23 of Sinful Crown

“Nod, if you understand,” he commands.

I give him what he wants.

The faster he’s out of my vicinity, the faster I can calm down and come up with a plan.

There’s no way I’m staying here. Someone might be coming for me, but I’m no safer inside these walls. I could be sold off for all I know. Everything this man has said could be a lie.

“Take a shower; you smell like shit. You’ll find clothes in the closet,” he says before slamming the door shut and locking me in.

I crumple into a heap on the floor. I’m not scared. I’m not even sad. I’m fucking furious.

It’s just I can’t decide what I’m more furious about. Him stealing me from my home? Some unknown villain is supposedly after me for some equally unknown reason? Or the fact he said I smell…

The last one being entirely too ridiculous to consider.

Why the hell do I care what the man thinks of me?

I don’t.

Lying back on the carpet on a huff, I can’t help but inhale sharply, which only confirms Gideon’s words.

I do, in fact, stink.

Fuck my life.



This is a horrible idea.

Having Sasha under this roof is a fucking awful plan.

I’m pissed.

And as much as I want to say that I’m pissed because of the things she said to me, which I am, the real reason I’m livid is because I want her.

I fucking want her.

Her fire.

Her strength.

Her tenacity.

She’s a firefly. Lighting up the night sky with her bright fucking light, and I hate the fact that someone wants to snuff her out. Worse yet, I can’t figure out who’s after her and why.

Roman and all his secrets are why I’m in this mess. He’s the reason I’m going insane.

There’s also the matter of me always being turned on when she’s around. That pisses me off more than anything.

I haven’t gotten to where I am today by not having control. I pride myself on always being in control. Yet she unravels me in ways nobody has ever come close to.

Which doesn’t bode well for getting shit done. Now that she’ll be living in my house for the foreseeable future, I know my productivity will suffer.

My cell vibrates in my pocket. I fish it out, scanning the group chat from Hell.
