Page 170 of Sinful Crown

As if the banker is reading my mind, he hands me an envelope.

I narrow my eyes at it, but then I see the familiar handwriting scrawled across the envelope, and my eyes fill with tears.

“Your brother asked me to give you this if you ever found your way here.” He stands from the chair he’s been sitting on. “I’ll give you a minute.”

I nod and look over at Gideon.

His face is serious. Almost like stone. He watches my every move. Always my protector.

“Maybe I should read it first,” he says gruffly. When I don’t respond, he asks, “Will you be all right? If not, I don’t want you reading that.”

I blow out a harsh breath. “I’ve been struggling with the not knowing, Gideon. If this letter can provide any closure, I want that.”

He takes a deep breath and nods once. I tear open the white envelope and read the last words from my brother.

Dear Sasha,

I know this all must be confusing, and if you found this, I’m most likely dead. I’m so sorry. There is so much I want to tell you, so much I should have told you. After Mom and Dad died, I wanted nothing more than to be the brother you needed. But it was hard, and I wasn’t prepared.

That’s when I saw Dima.

I knew right away who he was. Mom and Dad never told you about who Dad’s family was. Probably to protect you. But Dad told me. At first, I didn’t know if he had any hand in their death, but I heard Dima say he killed his brother and wife. He confirmed it, and I knew what I had to do. I started to work for him, skimming money and putting it aside for you. Unfortunately, the demons found me, and I ended up being the monster you needed to hide from. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough. Everything I did, I did for our family. I love you, Sasha.


The tears racedown my face. My heart feels heavy with the weight of Roman’s words.

Everything he did was for me.

He was always trying to protect me.

“He loved you, firefly.”

My emotions ricochet off each other like waves crashing against rocks on a shoreline.

I feel sad, but at the same time, I know he wouldn’t want that for me.

“I know he did.”

Gideon stands, holding out a hand to me. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

I place my hand in his and allow him to pull me to standing. “I’m already home. Wherever you are is home, Gideon.”

He leans in and places a kiss on my lips.

For the first time since my parents died, I can finally let go of the pain I’ve been harboring all these years.

I’m ready to move on.

Gideon pulls me to the door, and together we move toward a future.

With every step that we take, an idea forms…

I don’t want my brother to have died in vain. Every dollar he stole, I’ll use to help someone less fortunate.

Gideon and I were both thrust out into the world alone and hungry. We both struggled to find our next meal. We know what it feels like to truly be hungry.

This money will be used to help children who have nothing.