“What promise?” I swing at him again, but this time he dodges it.
“Get the money for him.”
“You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as her.” I grab him again, my fist connecting with his stomach.
Both our muscles strain as he strives to overpower me, hurling punches and succeeding in shaking me off him. The noise from our struggle echoes off the walls.
He lunges again, but I’m too fast. We’re locked in a stalemate, circling each other like caged animals fighting for our lives. Our labored breaths ping-pong between us as we size each other up.
A noise to the side momentarily distracts him, and I use the moment to my advantage. I leap and land a solid punch to his face. When he’s down, I wrap my hands around his neck, digging my nails into his blotchy flesh. My grip tightens around him. The pressure swells until he’s gasping to stay alive. But I’m too strong, too angry, too goddamn out of his league.
He won’t walk away from this.
I see the moment he realizes this too.
His eyes go wide, and then, like a candle being snuffed out, the life fades from his body. He’s dead. Completely lifeless and sprawled across the unforgiving concrete.
Still, I grab my Glock from where it lies on the ground, pick it up, and fire no less than my entire magazine into his limp body. Around us, my men are engaged in their own fights. My friends are also occupied.
Lorenzo is behind a Russian, slicing his neck. Matteo is just as brutal. I haven’t seen him in battle for years, but he’s just as deadly as he ever was.They all are.
The fight rages on.
One by one, Russians fall to the ground.
A few of my men are dead, too.
It’s a bloodbath.
And me? I flip Matt’s body with a rough kick, reload my Glock, and fire that entire magazine into his back, as well.
Everything happens in slow motion.
A war wages around me.
Across the room, bodies fall, and the smell of gunpowder lingers in the air.
It’s pure pandemonium.
Gideon.Where is he?
From the corner of my eye, I find him. He’s lifting his gun, but just as he’s about to fire at Matt, one of the Russians knocks him out of the way.
A gasp lurches from deep within me as his gun boomerangs across the floor. The chaos removes every man’s attention from me, giving me the opportunity to act.
I make a mad dash, trying to get to him, but he’s too far away. As they fight, I feel like I’m being suffocated, watching as the man I love can possibly die.
From across the space, something gleams at me. I narrow my eyes and notice it’s a gun. It looks different than Gideon’s gun, but I’m sure it fires the same. I lunge for it. My slippery fingers, damp from sweat, reach out to grab it. I’m trembling so hard that it slips through my grasp, crashing to the floor.
I try again, and this time, I succeed. When I turn in the direction of Gideon, I see that he has Matt subdued, choking the life out of him.
Shouts ring through the air.
Bodies hit the floor.