Page 126 of Sinful Crown

What she’s asking is something I’veneverallowed. Something so out of character I wouldn’t even know who I was if I gave in.

“Please,” she says again, and all my walls crumble and fall to the floor at her feet.

For the first time in my life, I want to give this to someone.

No—I want to give this toher. “I don’t give up control,” I tell her, and she nods in understanding.

I need her to know how big this is. How special. This isn’t something I’d give to anyone but her. Ever.

“I know.”

“But for you…I will.” Her eyes close before reopening. Fire burns in her irises, and I long to be burned.

Standing in front of her, I tower over her small frame.I reach out my hand and take hers, squeezing my consent.

Then I wait.

The ball is in her court.

She watches me carefully for a few moments, probably waiting for me to change my mind or say I was only fucking with her to begin with. Which I would never do. Not about something like this.

No. Tonight, I’m hers.

She must see it on my face because Sasha leads me toward the bed. I’m standing beside it, waiting for her commands, when she reaches out and opens my shirt.

The material drops to the floor, and her small hands find my pants next.

Before long, I’m standing naked before her.

My arms hang at my side, and my jaw is locked. Sasha doesn’t notice my tension, though. Instead, her gaze sweeps down my body, taking in my throbbing length. It’s taking every last bit of my strength not to grab her into my arms and take control.

But I won’t.

She said please, and I’m aiming to deliver.

Sasha needs to feel like I will give myself to her.

The thing I realize, though, is that I would give this woman anything.My body. My heart. My very fucking soul.

The thought has my head spinning.

The moment she said please, there was no hesitation.

I couldn’t say no.

What is it about this girl?

Sasha places her hands on my shoulders and leans forward, skating her lips along my neck.

Soft lips.

Small kisses.

She’s savoring every moment, and I let her.

I want to grab her hair with my fingers. I want to devour her, to take, take, take.

Instead, I breathe in a ragged breath, forcing my need down and allowing her to lead.