Page 123 of Sinful Crown

Getting out of the pool,I walk inside the large manor. It’s so big that it feels like my footsteps echo for minutes on end. Eventually, I find my way to my old bedroom, and just as Gideon said before I left him there in the water, there’s a box on the bed.

Seeing as I’m still wet, I head straight into the bathroom, strip off the towel I have wrapped around me, and step into the shower, letting the hot water wash away all the chlorine and salt. I scrub at my skin, trying to wash away the layer of film that’s collected on my body from the impromptu swim.

The scalding water washes over me. It’s so hot that it feels like needles prickling my skin, but strangely enough, I welcome the heat. Because as I stand here, I can’t help but feel like a princess in a fairy tale.

My heart is racing a hundred miles an hour.

What is this feeling weaving its way inside me?

I can feel the way my lips part, and I realize, for the first time in a long time, I’m truly happy. It reminds me of when I was a little girl. I must have been around six. My mom had told me that happiness was like a butterfly. It flits around, sometimes landing on your shoulder for a moment before soaring away again. It’s delicate and beautiful, and you can’t help but smile when you feel it.

In my case, happiness is Gideon. I shake my head at the thought.

How did this happen?

Better question, how did I get to this place where my enemy is now more?

Was he ever your enemy?

No. Not really.

I don’t even realize how long I’ve been in the shower until the water cools. I reluctantly step out of the shower, knowing I need to hurry. The steam hangs in the air like a cloud, cloaking me in its dense moisture.

A shiver works its way through my body. Thankfully, a fluffy towel hangs right next to the shower door, waiting for me.

Once dry, I make my way to the bed to see what Gideon left for me.

A million things race through my head, and I can’t help but smile with excitement. My heart beats so fast that it feels like it’s going to burst.

I open the box, pulling out the tissue paper first and placing it on the bed. Then I see what he bought me: a red silk slip dress. It’s beautiful and delicate and looks like lingerie. Placing the dress on the bed, I see a note in the box.


A gift for you. One I hope you’ll slip on and wear to my room tonight.

I don’t wastea moment doing exactly as he’s asked. Slipping the dress on, I head back into the bathroom to put on makeup.

Even though I’ve been staying in Gideon’s room for the past few weeks, I have yet to move my stuff in.


Because that would make this feel real.

Which it’s not.

It feels like ice-cold water is poured over my head. That inner voice calls up my deepest, growing fear.

This is no fairy tale.

The villain doesn’t end up with the girl.

There is no happily ever after for us.

Eventually, the threat will be gone, and so will I.

The thought is sobering, but I push it away, desperate to hold on to the excitement from moments earlier instead.That is something I’ll have to truly deliberate on later. For now, I’ll happily live in this fairy tale a while longer.

I wonder where we’re going that he has me wearing this?