Page 116 of Sinful Crown

The moonlight spillsthrough the window, casting a pale glow over the room. Outside, the wind howls, and the branches of the trees scratch against the glass; it’s the only sound breaking the stillness of the night.

I don’t know what time it is, but it has to be sometime after midnight. I’m starving.

Turning to look at Gideon, I find his eyes closed. Quietly, so as not to wake him, I creep out of bed and throw on one of his T-shirts.

It only takes me a few minutes to meander through the dark halls, finding my way to the kitchen. I browse the refrigerator, but I’m not sure what I should eat. It’s too late to cook, but I need something.

I glance around the sparsely lit room, and that’s when I see a cookie jar sitting on the counter.


A little bit of sugar is exactly what I need.

Walking over to it, I lift the lid and go to grab a cookie when I hear Gideon—or someone—coming down the stairs. My heart beats faster, but I don’t have time to process why exactly. I turn around and see him.


He’s wearing a tight black T-shirt that shows off his muscles and a pair of jeans that fit him perfectly. He looks at me with those blue eyes that make my knees feel weak, and I’m practically a puddle on the floor.

“Are you stealing a cookie from me?” That small smirk gives away his teasing.

“You caught me,” I say with a sheepish grin. “And I wouldn’t say that I was stealing.”

“And what, pray tell, would you call it? Borrowing?”

“Fine, you caught me.” I laugh, throwing my hands up dramatically. “I was stealing your cookies.”

I hand him a cookie from the jar.

“Thanks,” he says, smiling back at me.

I take a bite of the little piece of heaven, marveling at how good it is. His cook is next level. Not that I should be surprised. What can’t this man pay for?

“Next time, I’m going to charge you.” His smile broadens.

Licking my lips, I smirk. “What’s the cost?”

He shrugs one shoulder. “It might be a little steep for you…”

“That’s presumptuous. How do you know I don’t have money stashed away?”

“Do you?” He raises an eyebrow.

“No, but I could’ve.” The whining tone makes him chuckle.

“I wasn’t referring to money, firefly, and I can assure you, my expectations will be outside of your comfort zone.”

“Try me.” It’s a dare I’m not prepared to put out there, but it’s too late.

“I want you to do something for me?”

“Anything,” I say immediately, deciding that if I’m going big, I’m going really big.

“Anything?”He comes up close to me and puts his hand on my ass.

“Anything.” The word is repeated in the sultriest voice I can manage, and based on the way his eyes darken, it worked.

“I want you on your knees.” His voice sounds raw. A shiver goes down my spine at his words. “I want your mouth on me.”