A mirage I have imagined.
I climb out of bed and make my way back to my old room. It’s become my sanctuary. Familiarity in an unknown place. But I find as I sit here, I feel utterly alone. It’s a feeling I know well. One I’ve dealt with throughout the years, especially in Roman’s absence.
When he was battling his addictions, he didn’t come around, except when he needed something. It was such a lonely time for me.
I stand and make my way out of my room and head to the kitchen to grab a bite. Really, I’m searching for him.
He’s a busy man, running both a legitimate business and an illegal one, and he’s probably tied up, but I want to try to find him. I’m still bothered by the fact that it’s been radio silence for the past few days.
Four days.
They’ve been excruciating. Like tiny grains of sand passing through time, it feels like an eternity. Despite the fact that I lay in his bed last night, I haven’t been able to speak to him. I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed our time together, but it bothers me now that it’s gone. Where has he been? I continue to walk through the place, peeking into the kitchen. It’s empty, and I decide I’m not hungry.
I came here under the false pretense that he’d be here drinking his morning coffee.
Maybe he’s in his office. I head there next, poking my head inside, to find that, once again, he’s not here.
Where is he?
I think about all the places I’ve seen him and check them all. The only place left is the atrium. When I find that deserted, too, I open the door and start to walk down the path.
Nobody is out here. I take the steps leading to the pool deck and don’t find anybody anywhere. When I turn to walk down the path that leads to the gardens, I spot one of the guards.
“Do you know where Gideon is?”
“Got a thing for the boss?” the asshole says. A wide, creepy grin spreads across his face.
“No.” I shake my head. Probably making myself look like an idiot. “It’s just strange that he’s not been around.”
“He’ll be back today. He’s been handling some issues.”
Is he okay? Is he in danger? Why the hell do I even care?Because I do.
That’s the truth.
No matter how much I want to pretend otherwise.
I care.
And I miss him.
He’s become more than just the annoying man holding me for my own good.
I’m not sure when it happened, but I’ve started to consider him a friend.
Who are you kidding? It’s more than that. When he’s near, I come alive.
I’m not sure why, either.
What is it about him?
His fierce loyalty to my brother?
His protective nature?
He could have let me fend for myself.
Yet he has taken my attitude and my escape attempts, and he’s never batted an eye. Sure, he moved me into his room to watch me, but even there, I’m not a prisoner.