Page 53 of Sinful Crown

“Boss.” I hear Julian call out as I stride back into the hall and up the stairs. I turn to look over my shoulder. “I need a quick word.”

I incline my head in the direction of my office. He nods and follows as I barrel my way.

My vision is still blurred with my rage. It feels like my whole world is spinning out of control.

I’m still fucking pissed. Kicking the shit out of Sean did nothing to tamp my rage.

Once inside, I wait for him to enter before slamming the door.

“What was that about?”

My jaw tightens, and my teeth grind together. “You aren’t the one to ask the questions, or have you forgotten your place?”

The Gideon Sasha knows is long gone; the ruthless boss has taken his place.

“Understand.” He shifts where he stands. He knows not to fuck with me when I’m like this. However, his answer appeases me. Calms the beast inside.

Heading toward my chair, I pull it out and take a seat. “What did you want to speak to me about?” I reach for the decanter before gesturing for Julian. “Sit.”

He doesn’t wait for me to ask again, pulling out the chair and taking a seat across from me. I pour him a glass.We both need it.

“The shipment.”

“And…” If he tells me the drugs are still missing, I might march my ass back downstairs and kill Sean.

“Nothing yet.”

“Fuck.” Today is not my day.“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do, the overflow in the warehouse in Jersey, send it to Lorenzo.”

“We’ll take a hit.”

I sigh. “So be it.”

Julian nods. It sucks. We’re out a shit ton of money, but I’d rather give Lorenzo the drugs, lose money, but keep my reputation, than piss him off and put a target on my back.

Friend or not, if I don’t come through, Lorenzo will kill me.

With that matter of business settled. I lean back in my chair. “Any word on Sasha?”

“No, but we have everyone on it.”


I lift the glass to my mouth and take a large gulp. I need this girl out of my head. She’s messing with it, and it’s only been a week.

Something tells me this is just the beginning too.



Since the incidentin the cellar, Sasha has been laying low. Biding her time, most likely.

Days have passed, and despite my best effort to distance myself from her, I can’t.

She’s too good for me, but that won’t stop this madness. My morality has been in question ever since the first drop of blood was spilled by my hands. It grew when I added stalking, kidnapping, and defending her honor to the mix. It only gets worse with every immoral thing I think about doing to her.

Case in point, I’m sitting in my office, scotch in hand, all while I watch the computer surveillance monitor like some sort of pervert, all in the name of ensuring she’s safe.