Page 48 of Sinful Crown

When he doesn’t answer, I halt my stride and turn to face him. He’s staring at me, his face emotionless. “I had nothing to do with your brother’s death.”

My head sags forward. “Then why won’t you tell me everything?”

“And what do you want me to tell you?” He raises an eyebrow, his lips twisting into a smirk.

“Something. Anything.”

“Do you want me to tell you about how I found your brother and why this threat is real—” His words tighten around me like a boa constrictor, but I shake them off, pushing my shoulders back, not allowing my fear to take over.

“I just want to know how he came to work with you. How did you allow him to become the monster he became? You want me to believe he cared about me? Then tell me how you know this? Did he talk about me? Did he tell you why he abandoned me? Why he chose drugs over me? But you know what? You wouldn’t tell me anyway. This was a big waste of time.” My jaw trembles.

Tears form right under my skin, ready to burst out. I can feel them trembling inside me like a storm cloud about to downpour.

My throat feels tight. Filled with words that I can’t say. They pile up inside me, wanting to explode, but I won’t let them.

I refuse to cry—not in front of him, no matter how much I may want to. Instead, I bite my lip and then turn on my heels and walk away.

My mind races in random directions. I can’t keep track of my thoughts; they come and go in flashes faster than I can blink an eye.

The world around me swirls, and the air feels heavy, like I’m strolling through fog. The type that is so thick you can’t see your own hand.

I’m so confused.

Gideon says he’s protecting me.

He implied that what happened to my brother should be a big enough warning to stay here without complaint.

But I cannot believe him.

For the last four years of my life, I have relied on only myself. Trusting someone else is hard for me.

Couple that with the maid’s warning, and I don’t think I can.

Approaching Gideon was a waste. What was I hoping to gain?

Insight? From a drug lord.

Real smart, Sasha.

But back to the plan at hand: finding a way out of this place.



Another night.

Another day.

At this point, I’m starting to feel like a hamster stuck in a cage, running on the damn wheel, but never getting anywhere.

It’s infuriating.

My head tips, and I glare at the smoke detector. “Today, I’m going to search around your mansion,” I tell the stupid little piece of plastic. The blue light taunted me with its presence. “Yep. Hope you have nothing to hide. Because if you do, I’ll find it, and then you’re fucked.”

If anyone is watching me, they probably think I’m nuts.

I don’t care, though. I’m on a mission.