Page 34 of Sinful Crown

Screw him for invading my privacy by watching me from what I am now sure is the camera. How oftenishe watching me?

A groan leaves my mouth as I thrust my hands through my hair and pull.

“Not a morning person?”

Of all the stupid, arrogant—

My internal tirade is cut off. “Either way, you can get around and come downstairs. The door is unlocked. Food will be served in the dining room on the main level.”

My ears perk up at this news.

He didn’t lie. He kept his promise.

The door is unlocked. My plan is coming together.

I stretch my arms over my head, preparing myself for the task ahead. Get the lay of the land and make a plan.

Pushing off the soft, pillow-like mattress, I step down onto the plush area rug that sits beneath the massive bed. The creamy white comforter slips away from my body, and even though it’s summer, I feel the chill from the air conditioner hit the exposed skin not covered by my pajamas.

At least he had the decency to provide me with acceptable clothes. This set of buttery cotton button-down sleep shirt and shorts is to die for. I’d never admit it out loud, but in any other circumstance, I’d love to stay at a place like this as a guest. It reminds me of a fancy hotel. One I haven’t been able to afford—and likely won’t for some time.

With Gideon’s words filtering through my brain, the idea of freedom has my feet moving toward the door. My steps are slow and steady as I walk on my tiptoes. It takes me longer than it should, but I’m afraid if I move too fast, everything will come crashing down around me. That it will all end up being a dream, and freedom won’t be beyond the door.

When I get to the large and heavy wood frame, I tentatively reach my hand out and grab the knob. The cold of the brass sends a shiver up my spine. I swear my heart beats faster as I turn and pull. No resistance is met as it swings open.

A long, drawn-out exhale escapes my mouth. It feels like I haven’t been able to breathe since I got here, not that everything is perfect. Obviously, I’m still stuck here, but at least I can see a glimmer of hope. My initial instinct is to run as soon as I see the open hallway, but I know I won’t get far.

I don’t know the layout of this fortress. I need to take the next few days to explore and investigate the best way out of this place. To glean as much information about the danger that awaits me out there.

Escaping is one thing, but I also need a plan to keep whoever is after me off my tracks.

I’ll call Matt. He’ll know what to do.

Stepping back into the room, I quickly throw on clothes. I don’t even bother to hide from the cameras. What’s the use? At this point, he’s seen everything there is to see.

I’m not sure if there’s volume to the intercom. Can I speak to him? Will he hear me even if he’s not currently watching? I’m banking that between the speaker and the camera, Gideon is, at the very least, listening. If he’s going to take away my privacy, I’m going to mess with him.

“Enjoy the show?” I sing-song. “You can look, but you’ll never touch, asshole.” Swinging my hips, I make my way out of the room, but not before flipping the camera the bird over my head.

He better have caught that because I mean what I said. No matter what his plans are for me, if he tries to touch me, I’ll kill him.

Somehow, I’ll find a way. I’d rather die than ever be touched by that man. When I leave here, I’ll never see him again. Well, maybe once the bastard gets himself arrested for kidnapping—or worse—he’ll see me because I will testify to put him behind bars in a second.

For Roman.

I’ll be the girl sitting behind the glass with a phone in my hand, talking to him in the prison he’ll find himself locked up in.

That’s where I’ll get my answers. I can ask him about Roman’s part in this world of drugs and God knows what else. I need the closure.

I could do it now, but the idea of being close to him scares me. Not because I think he’ll hurt me but because I’m afraid of the way he looks at me.

He stares at me like he’s intrigued. Like he wants to unravel my secrets. And I’m scared of what that will mean.

It’s better I hold off on the questioning.

I’ll stay as far away as possible.

As I step out into the hall, I take my time roaming the space. The place is beautifully decorated. You can tell a woman helped with all the details. It’s masculine but with a feminine touch to not make it feel sterile or cold. Expensive but tasteful artwork covers the gray walls.