Page 142 of Sinful Crown

The money I supposedly have.

Is that what this was?

Am I a means to an end?

But why the lie?

Why make me fall in love with him?

My heart has broken into a million pieces, and he’s to blame.

Bile coats my throat, and before I can stop myself, I keel over and dry heave.

The sound of footsteps gains on me before I can stop the horrible sound that expels from my mouth.

It’s too late.

They heard me.

I need to get out of here.

Nothing is keeping me in this vile place. I trusted him, and he betrayed me. How do I even know he ever intended to keep me safe? That could have been a lie too.

If he’s after the money, I’m in danger here just as much as I am out there.

Maybe more so.

“Go call Gideon.” I hear, but I’m already taking off back to the house.

I won’t allow the bastard to take anything else from me.



Time is of the essence.

He’s not here, but he will be soon.

This is my chance to get out.

Tremors rock through my body as I storm inside and make a dash to my room. Once there, I slam the door shut, breathing heavily as I lean up against it.

How could he do this to me?

It’s the question I’ve asked myself a million times since the garden, and all I can come up with is money.

Lies rolled off his tongue like honey on sweet tea. They coated his words and stained their meaning. Now, I’m left with the aftermath of the spill.The sticky residue that, no matter how hard you try, will never go away.

Anger builds inside of me like a pressure cooker ready to boil over. The more I try to release it, the more it threatens to bubble up and explode.

There’s no coming back from this rage that has wrapped itself around every part of my soul.

It will explode.I will explode.It’s inevitable. And once I do, it will only take a second for the flames to devour everything in its path.

Staring up at the smoke detector, I seethe. More words flow from my mouth, but my heart pounds so fiercely, and my ears ring loudly, that I enter a trance as I speak.

Once my mouth is purged of all I feel, I look away.