Page 92 of Spades

“Enzo will be here in five.”

He rushes out of the bedroom, making me feel like a lost puppy for following him again. “Giovanni. What is going on?” I ask in a firm voice.

He grabs his keys off the counter, rushing toward the door. I grab his arm, and he stops suddenly, as if he didn’t see me before and my touch made him realize I am right next to him.

My eyes search his, looking for the man I was with last night, but he is gone again.

“Not right now. I’ll be back tonight. Don’t go anywhere.” His chin rests on top of my head as he leaves.

I take in a deep breath. Something tells me an unfaithful marriage is the least of my concerns.

* * *

Enzo arrives in exactly five minutes. The man is as punctual as a military man. He sits on the couch across from me, his jaw tight, watching me as I set up the new phone Giovanni got me. There is no doubt in my mind that this phone has a tracker in it, but he will also be able to see what I do on it. I don’t mind because I really don’t have anything to hide, but it only makes me come up with more questions.

I turn the TV on so that the silence with Enzo doesn’t get more uncomfortable. The sound pouring out of the speakers reminds me of my old house.

I jerk my head toward Enzo, who is just staring at me. “So, how did you and Gio meet?” I ask.

“Miss, I don’t mean to be rude, but that should not interest you.”

I push my eyebrows together. “Yes, it should.”

He lets out a low grumble as ifIam the inconvenience tohim. “Childhood friends, you could say.”

“I see. And why does your childhood friend have you watching over me like I’m a child?”

“Just doing my job, Romano.”

“Where is Gio?”

“Not available.”

“God. You men are ridiculous.”

“At least you’re aware.” His lips curve into a smirk.

I roll my eyes and lift myself off the couch. I shoot him a glare and walk to the bedroom. The apartment feels empty without him here.

What the hell am I even meant to do today?

I call my sister, because she is probably doing nothing as well. The lives of wives to the Genovese men . . .

“Helloooo?” my sister says into the phone.

“Hi. What are you doing?”

“Twiddling my thumbs.” She laughs.

“Me too. Enzo is here holding me captive.”

“Are we living the same nightmare? Carlo is gone too. When did Giovanni leave this morning?”

“At like seven. Someone called him, and he rushed out in the blink of an eye.”

“Yeah, they’ve got to be doing something together then because that’s the time Carlo left.”

“Want to help me plan a wedding?” I laugh, trying to change the subject. I might be marrying into this crappy lifestyle, but I may as well have fun with it. Gio did leave his card after all.