Page 97 of Clubs

“Liability is an issue, Kevin.”

“A risk you’ll have to take, just as we’re taking a risk with you if we choose to make the deal.”

“That’s fair enough.” I press my lips together.

“Good. We’ll speak with you soon.” Jared smiles as he and Kevin walk off toward Eric.

“Mikhail.” Sloane pulls me close. “You didn’t tell me you madethatmuch money.”

“It never came up,” I admit. “You want to donate another million to puppies? If so, here.” I take out my card and hand it to her. I admire her for going behind my back and doing what she wanted, but all she had to do was ask. Hell, I would have taken her there myself if she would have just told me what she wanted to do.

She puts her hands over mine and pushes the card down. “No. It’s dangerous. The government won’t just look past that much money.”

“Raslabsya.” Relax.I cup her face in my hands. “Every single penny I make comes from a reliable source. Well, some.”

“What do you mean ‘some’?”

“A couple million is washed.”

“Okay, well, that ends now. You can’t have anything traced back to illegal activity.”


She looks up at me as if I might be lying to her, but I’m not. The washed money is child’s play compared to what this place will end up making. “You’re not going to fight me on it?”

“No.” I press my lips to her forehead. “You’ve done so much for me. I trust you.”

My own words send my mind into a spiral. I clear my throat to speak up about my mistakes, but I’m cut off by the sound of Emily’s voice coming through the speakers.

“Hi, everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for coming tonight and showing your endless support. To those who donated, your kindness goes such a long way. Two of the highest-paying donors will be speaking up on behalf of 324 Parkway. Mr. Stepanov, everyone!”

Applause fills the room, and I look to Sloane. Her smile is bright for me.

“Go!” She shoves me in the arm, and I bend down to kiss her. I know I shouldn’t, and I know she’ll think it’s part of my act, but it’s not, and I can’t help myself. I’ll only be able to feel the softness of her lips on mine a couple more times before she leaves me to go back to her own life.

I make my way toward the small platform. Emily hands me the microphone, and I grab it.

“Thank you, Emily. There are so many things to be thankful for in this moment, but I owe so much to my wife. She taught me patience is a virtue and with time you’ll get what your heart craves. She taught me love can be shown in many ways, and I have no doubt in my mind she’ll teach that to our little one on the way. Hell, I hope they get all your qualities.” I take in a deep breath.

It’s all just a lie.

“My donation will be going to food banks and orphanages. Growing up in a low-income household, I understand the struggles life can throw at you. If my donation serves any purpose, I only hope it will be recognized as a small act of kindness toward many. Thank you all.”

I hand the microphone back to Emily, who’s wiping tears from her eyes. I flash her a gentle smile as I make my way back to my “wife.”

“That was almost too good,” Sloane says softly.

“Spoken from the heart.” I wink.

“Spoken from lies.”

Her words feel like a sharp stab right in the heart. But I can’t be upset with her. She’s emotionally checked out of whatever this is between us.

“Thank you, Mikhail! Now for Mr. Genovese, everyone!”

Everyone claps for Giovanni just as they did for me. I watch Sloane intently, noticing her eyes widen once she sees Giovanni. It’s a look of familiarity.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek while I swallow a comment. I wrap my arm around Sloane and shake my head. I don’t know why I’d even think something like that.