Page 94 of Clubs

Her face drops. “Sloane?”

Have I met her before? Does she know my father?

She clears her throat. “I’m sorry, that’s a really beautiful name. How do you spell it?”

I spell my name for her, and her face lights up.

“I hope you don’t think this is weird, but I’m going to write that down in my phone so I don’t forget it.”

I furrow my brow.

“I’m having a girl, sorry. Oh my gosh, I’m being so invasive right now, aren’t I?”

I laugh. “No, no, you’re fine. I’m glad you like the name.” I don’t mean to watch her so intently, but I can’t help but notice she’s texting it to someone instead of writing in the notes app. I guess she’s probably telling her husband about the name.

“So ... are you bidding tonight, or are you just here to support?”

“My husband is bidding—I just came along with him.”

“Oh, mine is bidding as well. Who’s your husband?”


“Mikhail Stepanov?”


“Oh, wow. I didn’t think he’d be here tonight.”

“You know him?”

“Only by reputation,” she says, taking her eyes off me. “His name has been everywhere.”

“He’s been expanding quite a bit.” I smile.

A tall man walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her belly.

Turning to look up at the man, she smiles brightly. She turns back to me. “This is my husband.”

He looks at me in a strange way. It’s a look I can’t figure out. “Sloane.” He smiles. “My name is Ace.”

“Ace? Like the card?” I half-smile.

“Exactly like the card.”

My stance shifts when I notice an embroidered spade on his shirt. I force my eyes to look away.The Suits? This is what Max was telling me about.I don’t think he’s a good man. Max told me it was a good thing I didn’t know the meaning behind the symbols.

Fuck.I should have asked him more questions while I had the chance.

“There you are.” Lev grabs onto my wrist, trying to pull me away from Nina and Ace. I didn’t know Mikhail’s men would be here tonight, but I’m not shocked. They’ve been by his side the entire time.

I don’t fight Lev because I know there’s a reason he’s pulling me away. Nina wasn’t writing my name down because she liked it; she was texting it to Ace. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Lev exchanges death glares with Ace, his jaw tightening as he guides me to the opposite side of the patio.

“Warm up—you look freezing.” Lev gestures to the couch.

I take a seat and warm my hands by the fire. It’s cold at the top of this building. The wind is strong. “When I was younger, I used to toast marshmallows, but I always burned them.”

He nods with a chuckle. “You’re deflecting. What’s wrong?”