Page 89 of Clubs

The way her lips fit perfectly with mine should be a crime. She moans into my mouth, and I reach over to grab onto her waist, lifting her onto my lap.

Her smooth legs straddle either side of my lap as I kiss her neck.

Sloane is worse than a drug—worse than any addiction known to mankind. Addiction can be beat; this cannot. The more she gives to me, the more I want to take. It’s the repetition that will cause my destruction. I’ve become familiar with how her tongue brushes against mine, challenging me. The way her hips lift and grind against me. Nothing about this can be cured despite my best efforts.

“I shouldn’t want you,” she mutters while her neck falls back.

My hands lift behind her head, and I undo the tie that holds her hair together. “Is that right, “Moya malenkaya koldunya?”I whisper against her bare skin.

I take the thin strap of her shirt between my fingers. When I move them down, her breasts spill out of her top, and I brush my thumb over the nipple. There’s something disarming about seeing her like this. Sloane will only show this version of herself to one person in this world, and it is me. I’ll be dammed if any other pair of eyes is able to see the perfection that she is.

There’s vulnerability in the look she gives me. The gleam in her eyes is pure. I tuck her hair behind her ear and grab onto her neck, bringing her lips back to mine—where they belong.

Her eyes search mine, and it’s as if she can read my exact thoughts. She terrifies me. The woman straddling my lap has complete power over me, and there are no reservations in the back of my mind, only a million thoughts condensed into this single moment.

Her forehead rests against mine and her hand trails down my chest slowly. She calculates her next move, and her teeth sink into her bottom lip. Her hips rise and fall, pressing against me, teasing me for more.

I bury my face into her neck before I kiss my way down to her breasts. I suck, bite, and tug on her skin. My hands inch down to her hips, and I grab onto them with pressure, guiding her movements against me. She leans back, and I move my fingers over her clit.

“Kroshka,” I begin. “Are you wearing anything beneath this skirt?”

She looks down at me with eyes that dominate. I lick my lips, and her hand grabs onto my jaw, her thumb pulling my bottom lips down as she slowly shakes her head. Her lips press against mine with aggression.

“Fuck,” I whimper in her mouth.

Sloane continues to stimulate every part of my fucking body to the point where I’m longing for her. I want every part of me to be touched and caressed by the gentle tips of her fingers. She’s teaching me a lesson on patience, and I’m about fucking finished with it.

“Stop,” she says, grabbing my hands and putting them to the sides of my body. “Your greed is showing.”

My teeth clench down in frustration. With patience comes power, and I am completely powerless against her. “I’m the greediest son of a bitch in the world when it comes to you.”

Whatever attraction I feel for Sloane is the healthiest kind of toxicity I’ve come to know. It’s everything I’ve craved, and yet it terrifies me. Sloane can see right through me, and there is no weapon to shield me from her. In fact, I’d give her the weapon to destroy me with if it meant I’d die at the hands of someone just as distraught as I am.

Sloane tugs on my belt and undoes the zipper, not wasting a minute before she lowers herself onto me. My head falls back when I watch her adjust to me being inside her. The thought of her body alone could ruin me. I’ve never known anyone more beautiful than Sloane. All rational thought and focus is washed away by desire and the pain of wanting her.

“Look at me,” I tell her as I bunch up her skirt and hold it up. “Look at what you do to me.”

She leans the upper part of her body closer to me and brushes her fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends. Her breasts press against my chest, and I hold my hand flat against her back, feeling myself sink into her over and over again. Holding her in my arms feels empowering. I’m a lucky fucking man to be able to have Sloane want me like this.

I watch her lift her body up and down on mine with awe. It takes an undeniable amount of control not to throw her in the back seat of the car and fuck her mindless, but I can tell she wants to be in charge this time. She feels delicate in my arms, and I feel powerful to be the man holding her.

She wants to see me at her full disposal, begging, craving more of her, and I’ll let her do as she pleases. There’s something so sexy about seeing her take control. She dominates me in a way I’ll never admit. I want her to overpower me; bring me to my knees.

She overwhelms me in a way I’ll cherish for years.

“Tell me what I do to you,” she says with a soft pant.

I grab onto her ass, guiding her movements. “You make me weak,Koldunya,” I admit.

“What else?” she demands.

“Jesus fuck, Sloane,” I whimper. “You ruin me.”

I’ve taught her everything she knows, and yet I feel as if I’m the one who’s learning. She’s learned the way my body works and exactly how to make me burn with desire.

She strips me of my strength, leaving me completely vulnerable. There’s so much to admire about her, but in this moment it’s her taking control. Never in my life have I let a woman dominate me the way Sloane is. It makes me feel defenseless, but there’s beauty in that.

She latches onto every word I give her, making me want to recite a fucking novel of words for her to cling onto.