Blaine pulls on his jeans, then reaches down, picks up his other discarded clothing and shoes, and heads for the door. “Come on, Z. Let’s wake them up. Magnolia, baby, shower, and we’ll be right back.”
She gives us a little pout as we leave the room, which makes me giddy inside.
Once the guys leave, I grab my shower caddy off my dresser and head straight to the bathroom, taking the quickest shower known to man. I’m caught up in my memories of the most amazing night, and the ache between my thighs reminds me it was real and not a dream. I’ve got mates, I’m an Alpha, and I’m no longer a virgin. Stepping into the room, I don’t even notice Wylla sitting on my bed, grinning at me like the Cheshire Cat from ear to ear. “I need all the dirty little details now before they get back down here.” Jumping up from the bed, she skips over to me, taking my hand in hers, and pulling me back to my bed. “Oh my Goddess, Magz, baby, did they treat you right? Ravish you with orgasms?” Before I can even respond to her, there’s a knock at the door.
“That must be the guys, but why the hell are they knocking?” Wylla spits out as she stands and heads over to it. Opening the door, I expect her to have some witty banter for them, but there’s silence. “Who the fuck are you?” she barks out at whoever’s at the door.
Curious, I stand up and move up behind her, just as a deep voice speaks. “Watch who you’re speaking to, bitch. I’m here to see my betrothed. Where the hell is she?” Peering around Wylla, I see Max and one of his Betas, Reid.
“Max, Reid,” crosses my tongue in fear.Why are they here?
Max’s nostrils flare, and he growls out, “We came to check on you. We’ve heard you’ve forgotten your place, even after my father, your Alpha, warned you.” He lifts his nose, sniffing the air just as the elevator dings. Both Max and Reid turn on alert, growling fiercely.
All I hear is a maddening growl from my wolf mate, “Get the fuck away from my mate!” He charges Max and Reid, with Zeke and Jude hot behind him.
“Fuck you, wolf boy. She belongs to us.” Max gets a menacing grin on his face before letting out a burst of maniacal laughter. “I know who you are. I can smell the other wretched creatures on you. You’re from that impure pack.” Max turns his head over his shoulder to look at me. “It’s beneath my mate to be associating with the likes of him. Expect your punishment to be swift and severe. Reid has many creative ways to make you earn your penance.”
Fear overtakes me as I step closer to Wylla. “The fuck you’ll lay one hand on her,” Blaine says sternly, stepping into his face as they stare each other down, with Jude and Zeke flanking his side and mimicking how Reid stands beside Max.
“No!” I scream out. It's time I put an end to this. I step around Wylla and into the hallway. “I don’t belong to you, you’re not my mates. There is no way I’ll ever be with you. You’ll have to kill me first. You, the Alpha, and the Exodus Pack can all kiss my ass. I’m no longer a member. I’d rather be a rogue wolf than part of it any longer.” Fear ravages me, but I feel stronger and happy that I’m finally standing up for myself. Maybe it’s because the blocks have been removed from me, but I no longer want to be tied to the backward thinking of the Exodus pack. It just amplifies my desire to leave them.
“You heardmymate. Get the fuck out of here and take your little fucking Beta with you,” Blaine growls at him.
Looking down, I see Max’s hands starting to shift. Reid must catch it as well. Placing his hand on Max’s shoulder, he leans into him. “Not here. Let’s go. The Alpha wouldn’t want us to cause a scene, and there’s a ban on fighting at this school. She’s not going to be protected by them twenty-four seven.”
Max quickly stops the shift taking over him, looking over his shoulder at me. “We’re not done, bitch.” He storms past Blaine, knocking him in the shoulder before they head down the stairs, not even waiting for the elevator.
Jude shoots past Blaine and takes me in his arms. “Are you okay, Maggie? I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself like that.”
Then panic sits in. “Oh, my Goddess. My block is gone. Do you think with everything happening they smelled I was an Alpha?”Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
“If they did, we’ll deal with it.” He puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me back into the bedroom, swooping his other arm around Wylla as we pass her. “Question is, did you feel a bond to either of them?”
“Nope, nothing at all.”
Blaine steps into the room last, shutting the door behind him. “I need to call my dad. He needs to know this shit just happened.” Zeke and Jude voice their agreement with him.
I’ve kept my rage contained, the drive back to the hotel only giving me more time to stew. Stepping into our room, I pace back and forth across the room. How dare that cunt speak to me like that. Each time I pass by Reid, I just glare at him. He should’ve let me rip those low-level beasts to pieces before taking my mate and leaving. Hell, he could’ve taken that mutt of a necromancer for his plaything.
“Can you believe how she spoke to me as if she was someone? She’s just a fucking bitch who’s forgotten her place,” I spew at Reid. As much as that's eating at me, something else is bothering me more.
“Chill man, you know if you caused a scene, it would piss your father off more. They can’t be with her every minute of the day. We catch her alone and take her back to the pack. Why your father even let her leave to come here is still a mystery to me.” Reid takes out his knife and begins carving into the desk.
“It is to me, too. Did you smell her? She’s a fucking Alpha. There are not supposed to be female Alphas any longer. My great-grandfather saw to that when the last one was born.”
“Better question is, how did she find out before the designation ceremony? My bet is on the half-breed necro. When we snatch our mate to take home and reprogram her, we need to get her as well. When the pack catches a whiff of a female Alpha, there will be a revolt amongst the women. One we don’t want.”
My anger continues to boil and my wolf craves to be let free. He wants the wolf that was promised to us, wants her to bow in submission before him, as he mounts her, taking what's his. She’s going to pay with a far worse punishment than was initially planned for her. I pick up the chair and sling it across the room just as the door opens, barely missing Jeremiah as he steps in, almost dropping the bags of food in his hands.
“What the hell is going on?” he shouts out in surprise.
“The bitch is a fucking Alpha! We need a plan now! The games are over. We’re taking our mate and going home.”