Page 30 of Rise of the Alpha

“I’m going to run inside and pee, and then I’ll meet you back down here, so we can go to dinner,” Wylla says, before heading up the steps to our dorm and disappearing inside, but not before throwing her arms up in a what the hell motion behind his back.

“What did you need to talk about?”



Okay. I might have panicked when I saw Magnolia and just screamed at her that something was wrong with Zeke. I mean, while I do need her help with him, I’m acting as if he died. And well, he’s not dead, at least not yet.

“What’s wrong with Zeke? Is he okay? Where is he?” She shoots her questions at me in rapid fire.

“Well, he didn’t handle your reaction to his confession well. He’s been a mess all afternoon and evening. Then about thirty minutes ago, he stormed from our room saying he was headed to the cages for tonight's fight,” I report.

“What the heck are the cages, and what do you mean fight?”

“Magnolia, the cages are an underground fight ring hosted just outside of campus grounds. Zeke sometimes goes there to blow off steam, but he was really upset, and I don’t think he’s in the right frame of mind to actually fight. I’m pretty sure he went there to get his ass beat, like he thinks he deserves it or something,” I explain.

“Take me there right now, Blaine!” she screams at me, stomping her foot on the ground.Goddess, she’s fucking adorable.

“I can–”

“Yes, you damn well can, Blaine! You take me to my ferret right now!” she cries. Then immediately slaps a hand over her mouth, realizing what she just let slip from her delicious mouth.

“Alright,” I sigh, grabbing her hand and start heading toward the cages. Reaching into my pocket with my free hand, I pull my phone out and shoot a quick text to Jude to let him know what’s going on. He’s at the fights already, keeping an eye on Zeke, while I came to talk to Magnolia. Just as I pull my hand free from sliding my phone back into my pocket, it’s enveloped by a small, warm hand. Looking down, then up, I see it’s Wylla.When did she come out of the dorm?

“If you thought you were taking Magz to some cage fights without me, Fido, you are sadly mistaken. No way in hell would I miss an underground cage fight. That shit sounds violent and hot as fuck,” she purrs.

“Wylla, it’s not funny. Zeke could get seriously hurt. He’s a ferret, for goddess’ sake. OH NO!” she shrieks. “Blaine, do they fight in shifted form? They can’t, right?” Magnolia starts to panic.

I can’t help the laugh that slips out, spurring her to slap her delicate hand across my chest. Stopping dead in my tracks, I stand there staring at her, shocked by what just happened, in disbelief that she just swatted me. It was playful, I know, but she’s never really been playful with us, always keeping herself a safe distance from us.

“Babe, you’re in for a treat watching Zeke fight. They fight in human form, and well, I’ll let you see for yourself. Hopefully, he actually fights back when he notices you’re there,” I tell her, smirking. “Enough about Zeke; you’ll see him soon enough. I want to talk about that cute little ring that’s new to your already gorgeous face.”

She blushes as we start walking once more. “Wylla took me to her guy today, and I got it done. I had a rough day, as you know, and someone so kindly put me in my place.” I notice the wink she tosses in Wylla’s direction.

“Kindly? HA! More like yelled at you and called you a bitch,” Wylla cackles.

I snap my head in Wylla’s direction. “You called her a what?”

“Oh, relax, Blaine. I deserved it for how I treated her and Zeke. Anyway, I decided to do something for myself and no one else. So here we are. I’m anxious enough about it, so please just drop it,” she begs.

Not being one who can let things go, especially when they have to do with my mate, I push her for more. “Why are you anxious? It's just a nose piercing.”

She sighs loudly but doesn’t answer me. Looking at her, I see she’s scrunched up her face like she’s trying to find the words for what she’s about to say. I look at Wylla with a raised brow, and she rolls her eyes.

“Pretty much, Magz here decided to give a bigfuck youto her daddy and her Alpha, which is totally badass by the way. But then she remembered she has to go home next weekend as promised and has no idea how to hide her new jewelry. Which kinda takes away a little bit of the badassness of it.” She looks around me and stares at Magnolia with a yeah-I-said-what-I-said look on her face.

Surprising the hell out of me, Magnolia laughs and flips Wylla off using the hand I’m not holding. I throw my head back in a deep belly laugh and keep leading these fine ladies to the cages.

We walk in silence for another six minutes before we reach the building where the fights are held. Walking up to the door, we’re stopped by the guard, who just glares at us in silence. “Petunia,” I say, and he steps aside and opens the door for us, allowing us entry.

“No fucking way is the password petunia to get into a fucking cage fight,” Wylla whispers while trying to hold back laughter.

“Sure is. You have to admit no one would guess it, right? So it’s perfect.” I shrug.

She nods in agreement, and we walk to the main area. The cheering of the crowd gets louder as we get closer. We make it to the crowded space that holds the ring surrounded by a cage, just as they’re hauling a body on a stretcher. The DJ starts playingGirlfightby Brooke Valentine.

I look over to Magnolia, and her eyes are wide as she takes everything in. Wylla is looking like the cat who got the cream. She’s vibrating with excitement.