I get to our room, and I’m just about to open the door when I look down and see Magz’s bookbag sitting on the floor. Grabbing it, I turn the knob and head inside. Entering our room, I’m stunned when I see Magz sitting on her bed reading a magazine.
“I see you saw the traitor and got my bookbag back for me,” she bites harshly.
“Umm. Slow your roll with the attitude. No, I found it sitting right outside the door. So either he left it and didn’t knock or you were a chicken shit and didn’t answer if he did. But here you go, you're welcome,” I tell her, walking over to her bed and dropping the bag down on it.
“Whatever,” she huffs and goes back to reading her magazine, pretending as if I never entered the room.
Okay, so I’m getting the silent treatment.Not being one to let anything slide, I grab my lady balls and decide to be the bigger person and speak first. “Hey, Magz, can we talk? I feel like I need to better explain myself.”
She sighs loudly, slamming her magazine shut, before looking up at me. Moving to the edge of her bed, so her legs are dangling off the side, she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me. “By all means, please, tell me how you’re going to right what you said this afternoon.”Okay, so we are gonna keep that bitchy attitude. Good to know.Well, here goes nothing.Goddess, help me.
“Okay, umm– first of all, I love this energy from you; very Michelle Rodriguez in The Fast and Furious. I love this for you. Second, this afternoon, I wasn’t trying to say what Zeke did was fine and good. It’s just that you just started getting to know the guys, and I think they really have the best intentions toward you. Zeke fucked up, but I don’t think it was an intentional intrusion or attempt to deceive you.”
She opens her mouth to interrupt me, but I cut her off before she can utter a word, causing her to huff and puff like a kid. “Now just wait and listen. You went into the woods and flicked your bean where anyone could have come across you. You saw the ferret in the tree, and if I remember right, picked it up and cuddled it up to your buckass naked body. Which, just in case you didn’t know, is kinda a big deal in the shifter world. He licked your fingers while you talked to him about your life. I really think he thought you knew, and by picking up and chatting with him, you were okay with everything that was happening. Do you really think the Zeke you know so far would take advantage of you like that?”
“Well, no bu–”
“There is no but, Magz, you have got to give people the benefit of the doubt. I’m sorry, but it’s pretty fucked up that you are so willing to believe and follow your dad and Alpha of your ‘wolf cult’ but you learn one thing about someone here and want to be a B-I-T-C-H. I love you, girl, you're my bestie, but figure your shit out,” I rant at her.
She looks at me with her eyes and mouth gaping open. I slap a hand over my mouth, stunned that I just talked to her like that. I’m still in shock at what I just did when she starts giggling. I can’t keep up with this girl’s mood swings. Exhausted, I walk over to the chair at my desk and fall back into it.She’s laughing because she’s about to fucking lose her shit. She’s snapped.
I’m sitting here just staring at her while she laughs before finally composing herself. “You’re right, Wylla. I didn’t expect you to yell at me like that. However, I have been unfair, and I’m lenient with my pack stuff, so it’s only fair to give Zeke the benefit of the doubt. He did look like he was about to cry or melt into the floor when he told me.”
Trying to lighten the mood, I nod and agree with her. “Plus, if anyone should be upset, it’s me! I should be mad that the dang ferret got a taste of you before I did!” I quip, getting up and walking over to her, where I wrap my arms around her.
She’s laughing, but hugging me back. “You’re so crazy,” she says as we pull apart.
“I know, but you love me this way. I’m sorry we fought,” I tell her, and mean every word of it. I’m glad we got it all out between us, but not glad we had our first argument. She leans back on her bed, and I move to sit on mine. We work silently on our homework for forty-five minutes. I’m just about to pull out my next book to do the assigned reading when Magz throws her book across the room to the floor. Looking at her with a raised brow, she doesn’t let me ask what the hell her deal is before she’s up off her bed and standing in front of me.
“Any chance your guy’s tattoo shop is open right now?” she asks.
“Ummm, yeah, he’s open till ten on weeknights. Why, what’s up? We have your appointment Saturday.”
“Take me there?” she begs.
I agree, and she jumps up and down, clapping her hands like I just told her we are headed to Disney. We throw on our shoes and sweaters and head out. Stepping out of the building into the crisp evening air, we link arms and walk in sync while talking about anything and everything as we make our way to the shop.
We arrive atInked Ya,an easy twenty-minute walk later. The bell above the door dings as we enter, and right away, I see my artist, Hex. Waving to him, he comes strolling over, checking Magz out as he approaches. When he gets to us, he licks his lips and crosses his arms. “Naughty bird,” I admonish him as I slap his chest.
He’s laughing, but Magz looks like she is about to pass out. “Relax, Magz, this is Hex, my artist. He knows I’m a bitchy witch. He’s a crow shifter and loves all the pretty shiny things, which today, apparently, includes you.” I cross my arms and pout my lips a little to give Hex a bit more attitude.
“The bi– I mean witch is right.” He winks at me, and I glare back at him. “We’ve been buds for a few years now since I did her first piece. I know she’s harmless–well, to me at least.” He laughs. “Anyway, what can I do for you fine ladies tonight?”
I look at Magz since I have literally no idea why we are here. She chews on her lips before looking at me and then back to Hex. “Ummm, I’d like to get a piercing.”
I gasp and look at her in shock.She wants to get a what?“Yeah, I have been letting everyone else boss me around and tell me what I can and can’t do in my life so far, and my friend here so eloquently told me I need to stop. So I’d like to get my septum pierced,” she says boldly, holding up a crescent moon hoop jewelry piece.
“Magz, girl, are you sure? You’re visiting your dad in a week, and you can’t take it out. You can’t really hide the septum with the jewelry you have picked,” I tell her. I am all for her being defiant and standing up for herself, but I also know she has to go home in a week, and I want her to be safe.
“Yup! Let’s just call this my first act of rebellion against my dad and Alpha. I want to be in charge of my own life and especially my body. I love your piercings and tattoos, so I’m doing it,” she says firmly.
“Okay! You heard her, crow boy, let's pierce her septum!” I give Hex a push to head toward his chair. He turns and leads us to his area. He tells Magz to take a seat, then he gets all his tools open and sterile.
He picks up the needle to make this shit happen. Magz’s eyes go wide for a second, then she schools her reaction.
Holy hell, she is really going through with this.Hell yeah! My girl is starting to stand up for herself!