“Well, fuck me. No wonder she took off,” I say, pacing a few steps back and forth. Trying to grasp everything Blaine just told me.
“This is a huge fucking mess. FUCK!” I yell to no one in particular.
“What are we missing here, Rainbow?” Jude asks.
“Yeah, I wanna know what’s happening with my mate,” Blaine growls, his chest puffing out in anger.
“Buckle up, sexy demon man and growly puppy. Magnolia is my roommate and my own proclaimed bestie. She just arrived this morning and from the very little amount she’s told me about her…” I pause for a minute before continuing, “Let's just say this little turn of events isn’t going to be good for her.”
“That’s bullshit! Finding your mate is the best thing that can happen to a supe. We all know that,” Blaine interrupts all pissy.
“Bingo!” I say, giving him the gun fingers. “However, I bet those supes don’t have a dad who has controlled every aspect of their lives. They also don’t have archaic ass rules and guidelines for their hierarchy members. Especially the women.”
Blaine’s eyes and mouth are wide open. He gasps, “No!”
“If you just guessed that my bestie is part of the Exodus Pack, you’d be right, mutt. She was allowed here by her dad and Alpha as long as she majored in something they could find useful, and she comes home on a schedule. There’s more I’m sure, but I’ve only known her a day, so she hasn’t told me everything yet,” I tell them.
Jude is staring at Blaine in confusion. Blaine is just glaring at me before he storms off toward the large oak tree a few yards away and punches it. Jude runs over to him and yanks him back away from the poor tree. “Reparo,”I whisper to the tree. Should help fix the splinters the wolf just created with his fists.
“The hell, man. What's the deal?” Jude yells as he’s wrestling a very pissed-off Blaine.
“You’re a moron, dude. I just told you guys about this pack tonight in our room before we came here. I was interested in forming an alliance with the Alpha. FUUUUCK!” he yells exasperatedly as he runs a hand down his face.
“I knew the Exodus Alpha allowed a pack member to attend this year. I thought for sure it would be his son. Why was she allowed? They NEVER let female members leave pack lands,” he asks me.
“She could only come as it was believed she will be a Beta and then she’ll become the mate to the Alpha’s son and his Betas,” I tell him what she told me when she got her package from her dad earlier. “They literally picked a major that would be beneficial for a Luna to have.”
Blaine is staring at me confused like I just spoke gibberish to him.
“What do you mean shewill be a Beta? Wolves’ designations reveal at puberty and she’s a grown ass woman?” he tells us.
“What I understand from Magz, is her pack suppresses their designations until they’re nineteen. We spoke right before we came tonight about looking for a spell to reverse whatever suppresses it from happening as young teens. Now, enough chit-chat with you two sexy bastards. I have to go find my girl,” I tell them, and without waiting another second, I turn on my heel and book ass toward our room. I hope my girl is there and I can help her.
Before I get too far from the guys, I focus on Blaine. “Reverso.”I don’t need him spilling the truth to every soul he meets from now until whenever I remember to reverse the truth spell I cast. So I do it now before I forget.
Now, back to the main event. Getting to Magz as fast as I can.
Shockedisanunderstatementof how I’m feeling. I’m fucking reeling from what Wylla just told me. She hurried off to find Magnolia and left me in a cloud of rainbow dust. I felt the witch bitch reverse her little truth spell while we were standing in the open field still. Jude is just standing there, looking at me, baffled at what the fuck we were just told.
Heading back to the dorm together Jude told me her name.Magnolia, it tastes delicious as it rolls off my tongue.Getting to our dorm building, I freeze in shock as I stand outside the door.I have a mate.Jude snaps his fingers in my face. Finally, out of my head, we walk up to our room.
Mate, I have a mate.Well, if she accepts me, that is. It’s not looking great for me since she ran out of the mixer like her ass was on fire. I thought she was rejecting me,my heart shattering into a million pieces,but after her roommate gave us a proper tongue lashing,which we fucking deserved, I understood more about what was happening.
I need her out of that pack.No, I want her out of the pack.There is no way my mate is involved in the wolf cult.No fucking way! Even if she rejects me in the end, I will long for her for the rest of my days.My wolf won’t let me love another after finding our mate. So at the very least, I’m going to make sure she lives a long and prosperous life. Which won’t happen if she stays in the Exodus Pack.
Storming into our room, Z is laying on his bed just staring at the ceiling with his headphones on. I’m pissed. He left me without a word tonight. When I needed him, he was gone.Fucking asshole! I’d never desert him like that.I pick a pillow up off my bed and throw it at him. It smacks him in the face, and he jolts up in a fighting stance. Throwing off his headphones, he looks at us, confusion on his face when he sees my peeved expression.
“What the fuck?” comes from him in a mocking tone.
He doesn't seem to pick up on how pissed off I am at him. His punk ass left me to deal with the aftermath of meeting my mate alone, Jude was no fucking help either. Hell, I feel like ripping him to shreds for touching my mate the way he did.
“We need to talk right the fuck now. You left and shit hit the fucking fan,” I growl at him. My body is wrought with fury, and at this moment, it’s directed solely at him.
He sits up on his bed, getting more comfortable. “What the fuck happened? It’s only been like an hour since I left. What could have happened in that short amount of time? Shit. I had to go; I was dealing with my own issue.”
It’s Jude who answers me. “I found the neighbor girls and was dancing with them. Then dark and broody here showed up and apparently found his mate and pissed her off; Magnolia, that’s the neighbor girl who was missing, by the way, all in one fell swoop. He kissed her, and she shoved him away and ran off, crying. A real Casanova.”