The guys are looking at me like I’ve grown a third tit in the center of my forehead. “It’s extremely rare. Actually, such a bond hasn’t been seen for hundreds of years, according to my grandmother. It would be nice to know who these other mates are besides us though. Do you three have any ideas?”
They all shake their heads no. “The most important thing is to remove the spells on her. First, I have to remove the designation spell, then after she finds out what she is and if she still gives the go ahead, I’ll remove the mate block. Grandmother said they have to be done in that order. And no, I don’t know why, but she told me some riddle that made absolutely no sense to me, but I don’t see the harm in doing one before the other.”
A phone ringing breaks the tense silence filling the room after I told them what I know.
“It’s the food. I’ll go down and get it and be right back,” Blaine says as he strolls from the room, his phone to his ear.
After we’ve all gorged ourselves on pasta and soda, it’s time to get to business. I need to task them with a few things for the breaking of the blocks Friday night, and we need to make a plan to keep Magz safe.
“Okay, boys, so we want to do the ceremony to remove all blocks Friday. That gives us two days’ time to be ready and prepared for whatever the hell happens that night. Magz doesn’t wanna wait any longer, and quite frankly, I don’t think any of us do either. However, I need a few things. Jude, can you go to hell and get us some honey? It has to be hell honey. It's the strongest and best thing to use when breaking spells or curses.”
Jude nods. “Sure. It’s been a while since I’ve been to my old stomping grounds, but I can pop in to get some and morph back to you. It’ll be tight though, so you’ll have to tell me where we’re doing this so I can just pop right to you.”
“Perfect, we’ll be doing it on the school’s field. We need a large outdoor space, and the team has an away game that night, so no one should be around. Blaine, if I give you a list, can you grab a few things like candles and such?”
“No problem, anything you need, I got you,” he says without hesitation.
“Okay then, I’ll see you all Friday night ready and prepared to see what the fuck is going to happen with us and our girl.”
“What about me? You don’t need anything from me?” Zeke pipes up, seeming annoyed I didn’t give him an errand.
“Well, little noodle rat, I’m glad you asked. Since they know you were the one she kissed, and they somehow know you are a ferret, I thought the perfect place for you to be was with our girl, shadowing her and making sure she’s safe. I think one of us needs to be with her at all times. Zeke, I think you can be the least suspicious, though. Her pack is so ass backwards they probably think you’re a weak, meek ferret. It seems, from what I can tell since it hasn’t been mentioned, they only saw the two of you together and not you fighting. We however know differently, so I think it’s best you stay with her more than the rest of us.”
He rubs his hands together and bites his bottom lip. “I like this plan so much that I’m going to give the noodle rat thing a pass.”
“I agree with Wylla. I think we need to stay close to her. Especially since it seems her betrothed is planning on coming here and doing Goddess knows what. As much as it will kill me to do so, if they do show up and just wanna lurk from the shadows, we need to play it off like we’re just friends. Like we have a project or something we need to work on, and she’s helping us or some shit like that. That way she’s safe from them without alerting them too much. We will know more once that Jeremiah fuckhead calls again with more information. We need to play this smart and on the down low till we know all the moving parts. Unless shit goes south, then we protect our girl, no holds barred. You all with me?” Blaine asks.
A string of yeahs comes from the rest of us, and I get up, making my way to the door. “Bye, bitches, I’m going to go cuddle our mate,” I tease and hear all three growling behind me. Paying them no mind, I open the door and make my way to the elevator.
Getting to our room, I find Magnolia sound asleep with a book still in her hands. She must have fallen asleep while studying. Goddess, she is fucking precious. Plucking the book from her hands, I slide it into her bag and move it over by the door, so she has it for tomorrow. Quickly changing out of my clothes and pulling a t-shirt over my head, I crawl into bed with Magz, pulling the blanket up and over us. Reaching out and wrapping my arm around her waist, I move her body closer to my chest. Placing a soft kiss on the side of her head, I close my eyes, allowing my mind to stop racing. Tomorrow starts our new plan, and we have to be aware of what's going on around us at all times. No way am I letting any of those Exodus fucks harm my girl in any way. Even just their sharp tongues will get them on my shitlist.
I fall asleep to dreams of my zombie creations, ripping her old pack to shreds and feasting on their insides.
It’s Friday night, and I’m standing here in the middle of the football field, waiting for the rest of this rag-tag group of Magz’s mates to get here. My heart feels like it could beat out of my own dang chest. Nervous would be an understatement to what I’m feeling right now. I’m not nervous about performing the removals or their success. No, I’m nervous about what happens afterward.
Our main man, Brick, is once again the lookout for tonight’s festivities. At this rate, the dude might as well just join our little gang. Not as a mate, though! Oh! Maybe there is a sweet little someone at the school here that we could hook him up with. Definitely going to ask the guys if Brick has anyone he’s interested in or if he has an idea of who his mate could be. We owe the dude a solid for sure.
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the mouthwatering scent of cotton candy that I catch in the wind. Jerking my head up, I lock my gaze on Magz and Zeke as they stroll onto the field hand in hand. Quirking an eyebrow at her and flashing my eyes down to their hands and back up, she just shrugs and gives me an eye roll. So the ferret won’t let her go and she’s too soft-hearted to be bitchy. I chuckle quietly about how sweet and empathetic our girl is.
“Are you ready for this, Magz? No going back after tonight,” I say, but we all know her answer. She’s been ready since she came home from her visit, especially after we
spoke to Jeremiah. Magz has now made it her mission to help him free his sister, if he doesn’t betray us, that is. Because I’m still iffy on the rabid dog myself.
Blaine comes jogging onto the field with a bag over his shoulder. He sets it on the ground in front of me. “Sorry, I’m late. The little witch here had me out shopping for supplies. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find specific colored candlesticks.” Magz giggles at him, and he smirks at her while she blushes and chews on her bottom lip. He walks over to her, picks her up, and spins her around before setting her down and giving her a sweet but quick kiss on the nose. Awhooshhas us turning around immediately on our toes ready for war. Jude morphs in, fully shifted into his demon form. He holds up the jar, and I hurry to grab it from him.
“Sorry, took me a minute to get to hell and back, woman. Dang, you’re demanding as hell. Ha! The irony in that statement.” I ignore him and start pulling everything we need out of the bag Blaine brought with him.
“Okay, let’s fucking do this. Is everyone ready?” Everyone nods in agreement, so I take that as my signal and get to work. Taking the gold candles out, I hand one to everyone. “Magz, go stand over there in the center of the circle I drew. Menfolk, take a candle and stand at each directional point around Magz; South, East, West. Once the guys are repeating what I say, Magz you then chant with us looking at the stars, eyes closed, and asking the Goddess to remove the designation block.”
Taking my own candle, I head to the North position. Taking the lighter, I light my candle before passing it to Blaine. He follows suit and passes it to Jude, who follows our actions before he hands it off to Zeke.
“Now repeat after me.Dirige viamo, sternen viamic. Nisi in sinute servat designationem.”The men chant with me when I start again. At the beginning of the third round, Magz can be heard along with us. Once we’ve all completed the third round, I pull my snuffer from my skirt pocket and extinguish my candle’s flame.
The wind gusts around us, putting out the guys’ and Magz’s candles. Magz then lifts into the air, a bright golden light exploding from around her. She’s suspended like that for a minute or so before she falls to the ground in a heap. Power explodes from the center of the circle, blowing the rest of us to our asses. Sitting up, I look around and see Blaine up and moving toward Magz first. The rest of us are up and running toward her as soon as we are on our feet.
Blaine grabs her, helping her stand. He gasps, and his eyes widen to the size of saucers, staring at our girl. “Blaine, why are you staring at her like that?”
“Can’t you feel it? She’s a fucking Alpha. Holy Shit!” He’s yelling at us, but you can tell by his tone and how wide his eyes are, he’s shocked.