Once you are in a safe location where you can talk freely without anyone overhearing, call the saved number in the contacts. We have a lot to talk about and not much time.
Immediately, I know who it’s from; the note is in the same handwriting and the signature used matches the last note he gave me, Jeremiah. But what is his game? Can I trust him? Blaine storms over, impatient as ever, and pulls the note from my hand, reading it. “Is this the wolf that touched you, whose scent was all over your body? The Beta who thinks he can take what is mine?”
“It’s Jeremiah, yes. What should I do? Should I call it and find out what his angle is?”
“Yes, but remember, don’t give away too much information until we know whether or not we can trust him.” Wylla moves over and sits beside me as Blaine stomps back and forth across the room, steam fuming from his head as he crumbles the note up in his hand.
“The fuck she is. There’s no way in hell, my wolf or I are going to let her speak to him. Fuck that shit, I won’t allow it.”
“Excuse me. I will do what I want. I’m done being controlled by men. If he knows something that may be important, I need to find out. For all I know, Alpha Johnson and my father could be on their way here now to drag me out of this school, kicking and screaming.” I’ve finally grown a backbone, and there isn’t a man who is going to tell me what to do any fucking more. I immediately click over to the contacts, seeing the only one saved, J, and text that I’m free to talk.
Ten minutes later, Blaine is still sulking in the corner while Jude, Zeke, and Wylla find humor in his wet dog attitude. When the phone rings, I jump at the sound and immediately lift it to my ear and answer, “Hello.”
Sittinginthemeetingwith Alpha Johnson, Max, and Reid is fucking awful. Max is just as bad as his father, with his views on women and any supernatural who’s not an Exodus wolf. The Alpha truly brainwashed his son to the pack's beliefs. Reid is the same as any other male in this pack, thinking he’s Goddess’s gift to the earth since he has a cock swinging between his legs.Makes me sick.
I could’ve been just like them if my sperm donor-I refuse to call him father-didn’t betray our whole family, waking me up from the cult views we’re practicing. I should have run, but where would I go? I can’t leave my sister. No way in hell would I do that, she needs me.
We were called here at the ass crack of dawn because Solomon’s spy, well one of them, reported Magnolia was seen at a fighting pit. She apparently was there with her roommate and three males and she kissed one of them, even wrapped her shapely legs around him. My wolf, for some reason, growls in anger at the thought of her pussy rubbing on another male. Solomon and Max are pissed and have been droning on and on about it.
Personally, good for her. I meant what I wrote in that letter. She can’t come back here. Every time she steps foot on pack land, she’s risking not returning to school or leaving here ever again. Her father is so far up Solomon's ass he can probably taste what was served for dinner last night.
This news on top of the nose ring she had when she came here last weekend has Solomon furious. Reid is agreeing with everything they say, like the moron he is. He doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, so it’s easier for him to just nod his head and keep being the fucking creep he is. The only reason he’s Max’s Beta is that he can fight like no other in our pack, and he’ll follow every order given to him with no complaints. If it wasn’t for that, his ignorant ass would just be another menial pack member.
“I’m told the male she put her lips on is a ferret shifter, of all things. Disgusting! Snakes with legs and fur who are far beneath us and everything we stand for,” Solomon spits.
“Yes, Father, we’ll have to teach her a lesson when she returns for her next visit,” Max agrees hurriedly. Goddess, he’s such a little ass-kisser. He was one of my best friends, but once things went south with my sister and he didn’t help me but agreed with my father, I knew he wasn’t who I thought he was. Fuck, he could’ve at least fought for her freedom. He showed his true colors to me that day.
“We could paint her lips in bleach to clean her from any other foul beasts she puts them on,” Reid pipes up as a suggestion from his place at the table.What the fuck?Where does he even think of these things? The things I’ve heard him say he wants to do to Magnolia make my stomach revolt at just the thought and imagery.
“Excellent idea, Beta. I will leave you in charge of that once we get her back on our lands,” Solomon sneers.
My phone dings in my pocket. Discreetly, I pull it out to check, and sure enough, it’s the alert I’ve been waiting for since Magnolia left Sunday. The package I mailed and told Magnolia about has been delivered. Now I only have to pray she listens and contacts me, so I can warn her about the nefarious things Reid, Max, and even Solomon have planned.
“Son, let's discuss the mating ceremony and the plans to mate the bitch in front of the pack. What are your thoughts?” Max leans forward, smiling like the Cheshire cat, giddy at the fact that someone wants to know how he plans to assault Magnolia.
“I’d like her to be kept at her house and prepared there. Then I’m thinking she should be brought to me wearing nothing but a white nightgown. I plan on bending her over the mating altar and fucking her from behind. Once I feel her innocence drip onto my cock, I’ve spoken to Reid about grabbing her and forcing her pussy down on my cock as I lay on the altar, he will then push her, so we are chest to chest and he can take her asshole. After that, I think we’ll just all fuck her until she’s full of our cum. I was contemplating making an offering to you as Alpha and her father for securing this bond for us. Thoughts?” Max slumps back in his chair with his arms crossed, proud of the rape he just detailed.
“What kind of offering, Son?”
“Well, I was going to give you two options: the new Luna’s blood or pussy. It would be an honor to have my Alpha and his best Beta fuck my mate’s pussy. But if you’d prefer to cut her and taste her blood, that would also be an honor,” he answers, and my stomach revolts at what he just said. I can’t believe these people sit and plan this shit out. What the fuck is wrong with this pack?
“Hmmm, I’ll have to think on that, Son. Both ideas sound magnificent. I’ll let you know when the time gets closer. Have you spoken to her father about this? Has he chosen?”
“Yes, Father. Reid was sent there this morning to tell him and to get his choice. Reid, would you like to tell our Alpha what his Beta has decided?” Max informs us as he looks at Reid and motions for him to stand and share his findings. What is this? An episode of Criminal Minds? We all stand and tell the team what we’ve learned? Newsflash, we’re the bad guys!
“'Kay, so I went to talk to your Beta about Max's plan for his daughter, and let’s just say he was ecstatic. He said that if it is decided he gets an offering, which would be an honor, he chooses to fuck Magnolia. It’s what she deserves after flaunting her tight ass around him all these years. He did ask if it would be pushing the envelope to taste her after you’ve filled her with your seed, Alpha.” He runs his fat tongue over his lips like what he just described isn’t the vilest thing ever spoken.
“If I decide to go that route, then no, I don’t think that will be a problem as long as my heir is open to it.” Solomon nods. Max just grins and shrugs. I don’t even understand the thinking behind this. Why would you want your dad and hers to fuck her? It’s not even that, though, you’d be letting them rape her after you did.
If Magnolia doesn’t heed my warning and comes back here, I’ll have to make another plan because I won’t sit by and watch this happen to her. But I need time to come up with an alternative if she does come back. I have to make sure Magnolia and my sister are free from here, no matter the cost to me.
“Enough of that. First things first, we need to teach that bitch her place. Maximus, I want you to take Reid and Jeremiah to the school and remind her of who she is, where she comes from, and who she belongs to. Drive that rat and whatever grotesque creatures she’s gotten close with away from her. I want results by the end of the month. Do I make myself clear?”